Introduction - AWS (4.1)

This installation guide will tell you how to perform a reference installation of Usage Engine Private Edition. It is aimed at providing you with a good starting point. It is not aimed at providing you with a fully fledged production grade Kubernetes cluster.

You will end up with a Usage Engine Private Edition installation that is ready for you to start implementing your business logic, in the form of workflow configurations, and eventually creating your first EC Deployment.

The diagram below illustrates what the system will look like after having gone through this installation guide.

The diagram only shows the main components that this installation guide covers. For a full description of the Usage Engine Private Edition architecture, please refer to:


Here follows information about the purpose of the main components in the diagram:






Makes Kubernetes resources (services, ingresses) discoverable via public DNS servers by automatically configuring the Route 53 DNS service.
For additional information, please refer to:


Provisions application load balancer to satisfy ingress resources.

Provisions network load balancer to satisfy service resources.

For additional information, please refer to:


An ingress that gets created as part of installing Usage Engine Private Edition.


This is optional and only required if your business logic implementation (workflow configuration) requires persistent file storage.

Its purpose is to dynamically provision a persistent volume (pv) whenever a persistent volume claim (pvc) is created. The pv is provisioned based on the storage class (sc) that the pvc references.

For additional information, please refer to:


A pvc that gets created when installing Usage Engine Private Edition.

It only gets created under the condition that persistence is enabled in the Usage Engine Private Edition helm chart.

This is optional and only required if your business logic implementation (workflow configuration) requires persistent file storage.




These components are all pat of the Usage Engine Private Edtion helm chart.

For detailed information about these components, please refer to:


This is an Ingress controller using NGINX as a reverse proxy and load balancer.

This is optional and only required if you plan on creating EC Deployment(s) that use ingress.

For addtional information, please refer to:


To automate management of TLS certificates.

Although optional, it is the recommended solution to provide TLS to Usage Engine Private Edition.

For additional information, please refer to: