disconnect (4.1)

disconnect [ -q ] [ -verbose ] <running pico process> ...
-q           Quiet mode
-verbose     Verbose mode

By using this command, it possible to let an EC and its workflows run in disconnected mode during Platform upgrade, in order to avoid downtime.


Since a batch workflow cannot run without contact with the Platform, this command should only be executed for ECs running real-time workflows. If an EC running a batch workflow is disconnected, the workflow will abort.

After disconnect, the EC will continue executing real-time workflows without interference from the Platform and there will be no risk that new software is downloaded to the EC during the Platform upgrade.

After the upgrade has been performed, each EC has to be restarted in order to re-connect to the Platform.




Quiet mode. Use this option to eliminate the display of any report during execution.

[-verbose]Verbose mode. This option will print extended error information.

By running the disconnect command from the Platform without any options, all running ECs, will be disconnected without the need to login to each machine and disconnect them one by one: