Python Code Editor Assistance (4.0)

In the code area of the Python Module, the General tab of the Python collection and processing agents, and the API tab of the Python Connector agent, the different parts of the code are color coded according to type, for easier identification. When you right-click in the code area, a context sensitive popup menu appears, enabling easy access to the most common actions that you might want to perform. Code completion provides proposals when requested to help you write Python code. These features are described below.

Syntax Highlighting

The text is color coded according to the following definitions:

  • Brown: Strings

  • Blue: Functions

  • Green: Types

  • Purple: Keywords

  • Orange: Comments

Right-Click Menu

The following options are available when you right-click on the code editor in a Python agent configuration:

Text Editor right-click menu





UDR Assistance

Opens the UDR Internal Format Browser from which the UDR Fields may be inserted into the code area.

MIM Assistance

Opens the MIM Browser from which the available MIM Fields can be inserted into the code area.