HTTP Status Codes(4.0)

The following HTTP status codes are supported in this version of Web API.

Status Codes
200 OKThis response is received when an HTTP request is successful.
404 Not FoundThis response is received when the resource cannot be found, for example, when a file does not exist in the temporary directory.
406 Not Acceptable

This response is received when the resource does not match the defined acceptable values, for example, when a path is set instead of a file name, or if the header Content-Length is set to a value that is unsupported.

409 ConflictThis response is received, for example, when attempting to start a workflow that has been disabled (the workflow is in manual-mode) or when trying to enable a workflow or workflow group that has already been enabled.
411 Length RequiredThis response is received when the header Content-Length is required but is not set.
413 Request Entity Too LargeThis response is received when the request entity is larger than the defined limit, for example the file is exceeds the value set in the property drx.api.file.max.content.length, or there is insufficient usable storage left for the JVM.
415 Unsupported Media TypeThis response is received, for example, when the header Content-Type is required but is not set.
500 Internal Server ErrorThis response is received when the server has encountered an internal error and cannot complete your request.