Configuration Types (4.0)


The Configurations Browser is used to access the different configurations available in Usage Engine. Each individual configuration has its own set of properties and can differ visually from others. The standard menu buttons are shared between each of them, but depending on the complexity and available fields some configurations can be presented to the users in a different way.

Common Configurations

Common configurations refer to functions that are not dependent on specific profiles or agents. They usually serve to configure a specific process that modifies the way configurations are executed. For all configurations, except Workflow, a dialog will open up where you create your configuration. For Workflows, the Workflow Editor will open up. The following table shows a list of all common configurations: 





Alarm Detection

With the Alarm Detection configuration you can define criteria for generating alarm messages. You select a condition, or combine a set of conditions, that within specific limits, generate an alarm message, see for more information.

APL Code

With the APL Code configuration you can create generic APL code that can be imported and used by several agents and workflows.

APL Collection Strategy

With the APL Collection Strategies you can set up rules for handling the collection of files from the Disk, FTP, SFTP, and SCP collection agents.

Event Notifications

With the Event Notification configuration you can route information from events generated in the system to various targets.

Suspend Execution

With the Suspend Execution configuration you can apply restrictions that prevent specific workflows and/or workflow groups from running during specific periods of time.

Ultra Format

With the Ultra Format configuration you can manage the decoding of information that originates from network elements. The information is converted to internal UDRs (usage data records) that can be processed by the agents, such as the Analysis Agent and Aggregation Agent. You can also encode the internal UDRs to different output formats.

Unit Test

With the Unit Test configuration you can create tests used in continuous deployment scenarios. 


Witt the Workflow configuration you can created and manage of different types of workflows: batch, real-time, and task. See for more information.

Workflow Group

With the workflow group configuration you can create and manage groups of workflows.

Profile Configurations

Profiles either contain configuration options that are relevant to specific agents, or generic configuration options that may be used by various agents, profiles or functions, see .

Other Configurations

There are also a few configurations that do not fall under the categories mentioned above, and these are:





Conditional Trace Template

With the Conditional Trace Template you can create templates for performing traces for specific data in your workflows. This configuration is specific for the Conditional Trace functionality, see .

Prometheus Filter

With the Prometheus filter you can configure the Prometheus metrics that are going to be exposed for scraping.

The purpose of the Prometheus Filter is to prevent the flooding of metrics in the storage of the Prometheus host, and it is specific for the Prometheus agent, see .

Python Module

With the Python Module, you can write shared Python code that can be imported by multiple Python agents. This allows you to organize your Python code into different modules that can be reused. This configuration is specific for the Python agents, see .





The 5G Profile enables 5G communication with HTTP/2 agents. 

Aggregation consolidates related UDRs that originate from either a single source or from several sources, into a single UDR. Related UDRs, are grouped into "sessions" according to the value of their respective fields, and a set of configurable conditions.

The Amazon Profile is a generic profile used for setting up Amazon S3 credentials and properties that can be used by various other profiles or agents.

The APL Code Editor is used to create generic APL code that can be imported and used by several agents and workflows.

The Archive Profile contains storage, naming scheme, and lifetime for targeted files.  

The Audit Profile offers the possibility to output information to user-defined database tables.

The Azure Profile is used for setting up the access credentials and properties to be used to connect to an Azure environment.

The Categorized Grouping Profile is loaded when you start a workflow that depends on it. 

Conditional Trace is a trouble-shooting function that allows you to set a trace filter on agents and/or UDRs in real-time workflows route(s) and/or Analysis agent(s) for either a specific field value or a range of field values. 

The Couchbase profile is used to read and write bucket data in a Couchbase database and can be accessed by workflows using Aggregation, Distributed Storage, or PCC.

The Data Masking profile selects the masking method you want to use, which UDR types and fields you want to mask/unmask, and any masking method-specific settings.

The Data Veracity Profile is used to select the particular database to which Data Veracity will be connected.

The Diameter Application Profile captures a set of AVP and command code definitions that are recognized by the Diameter Stack agent during runtime.

The Diameter Routing Profile enables you to define the Peer Table and the Realm Routing Table properties for the Diameter Stack agent.

Duplicate Batch Detection agent provides duplication control on incoming batches.

Duplicate UDR Detection agent provides duplication control on incoming UDRs.

The Elasticsearch profile is used to read and write data in an Elasticsearch Service in AWS and can be accessed by batch workflows using Aggregation agents.

The Encryption Profile you make encryption configurations to be used by the Encryptor agent.

The External Reference profile enables you to use configuration values that originate from property files or exported environment variables from the Platform's startup shell,

The File System Profile is used for making file system-specific configurations, currently used by the Amazon S3 collection and forwarding agents.

The GCP Profile is used for setting up the access credentials and properties to be used to connect to a Google Cloud Platform service.

The GCP PubSub Profile is used for setting up the Google PubSub Subscription and Topic for a Google Cloud Project.

The Inter Workflow profile enables you to configure the storage server that the Inter Workflow forwarding and collection agents use for communication.

The JMS profile contains settings that you use to connect and acquire both a Connection Factory object and a Destination object from a JNDI service.

The Kafka profile enables you to configure which topic and which embedded service key to use.

The KPI profile contains a KPI Management service model and is used by the KPI agents.

If you want to use Open API 3.0 with HTTP/2 agents, you require an Open API profile configuration. You select the profile that you configure in the HTTP/2 Server agent configuration.

Use this filter to configure the Prometheus metrics that are going to be exposed for scraping. The purpose of the Prometheus Filter is to prevent the flooding of metrics in the storage of the Prometheus host.

With the Python Module configurations, you can write shared Python code that can be imported by multiple Python agents.

A Redis profile is used to read and write data in a Redis database and can be accessed by real-time workflows using Aggregation agents.

The SAP RFC profile dynamically generates UDRs based on selected SAP RFC functions that are part of an SAP system.

The Security profile is a generic profile that you can use to make encryption configurations that can be used by several agents and profiles.

This section describes the Shared Table profile. This profile enables workflow instances to share tables for lookups.

The SNMP Collection profile allows you to import the MIB files you want to use to build your target UDRs.

With the SNMP OID profile, you can select to configure which OIDs, UDR types, and fields to poll, outside of the SNMP Request agent itself, which enables several agents to use the same configuration.

This section includes information about the configuration option Suspend Execution.

The Workflow Bridge profile enables you to configure the bridge that the forwarding and collection agents use for communication.

The workflow group configuration enables you to manage workflow groups.