

Profiles are reusable configurations that can be linked into workflows through agent configurations, or via other profile configurations that are in turn linked into workflows. With few exceptions (where non-sharable storage is used) profiles can be shared between multiple workflows. All agents referring to the specific profile inherit the same settings from the fields of the profile.

Parameterizable Profile Fields

To make profiles reusable in an efficient way, some of them support a concept called Parameterizable Fields. Such fields make it possible to have one configuration only, reusable both in development, test, and production systems. It also makes it easy to add support in CI/CD pipelines.


For instructions on how to define basic parameters, see External Reference (4.0).

A parameterizable profile field can be used as a template and its value can be set per workflow. The parameter syntax is ${category.name}. By using this syntax, a Dynamic Fields Tab (4.0) of type string is created. The value of the field is set as a workflow parameter and the value will be replaced when the workflow is executed.

Profile fields supporting parameterization are marked with a (dollar sign) icon. Currently, the following profiles supports use of parameterization:

Example - How to parametrize and add a list of brokers for Kafka workflows

  1. In the Kafka profile , select the checkbox Use parameterized broker list and set a name for your list parameter, for example ${kafka.brokerList}:

  2. In your workflow, open up the Workflow Properties, and select your list parameter.

  3. Now you can set the list of brokers per workflow in your Workflow Table. Syntax notation must follow JSON standards:

    You can also set the values in the ECD Helm chart:

workflows: - template: "Default.wf1" instances: - name: "wf" useExtRef: "{}" parameters: "{\"brokers\":\"[{\\\"host\\\": \\\"localhost\\\", \\\"port\\\"\ : 1337}, {\\\"host\\\": \\\"other-host\\\", \\\"port\\\":22}]\",\"topic\"\ :\"my-topic\"}"



It is not possible to use External References.

Generic Profiles

While most profiles are connected to certain agents, the following profiles are considered to be generic and can be used in various contexts:





5G Profile

With the 5G Profile you can enable 5G communication with HTTP/2 agents, see 5G (4.0).

Audit Profile

With the Audit Profile you can output information to user-defined database tables, see Audit (4.0).

Azure Profile

With the Azure Profile you can set up access credentials and properties to be used to connect to an Azure environment, see Azure (4.0).

Couchbase Profile

With the Couchbase profile you can read and write bucket data in a Couchbase database which can be accessed by workflows using Aggregation, Distributed Storage, or PCC, see Couchbase (4.0).

Database Profile

With the Database profile, you can create database profiles that can be used both in APL functions as well as in various agents and profiles, including:

  • Audit Profile

  • Database Agents

  • Data Masking Profile

  • Data Veracity Profile

  • Event Notifications

  • Shared Table Profile

  • SQL Agents

  • Task Workflow Agents

What a profile can be used for depends on the selected database type, see Database (4.0).

Distributed Storage Profile

With the Distributed Storage profile you can access a distributed storage solution from APL without having to provide details about its type or implementation, see Distributed Storage (4.0).

Elasticsearch Profile

With the Elasticsearch profile you can read and write data in an Elasticsearch Service in AWS which can be accessed by batch workflows using Aggregation agents, see Elasticsearch (4.0).

External Reference Profile

With the External Reference profile you can use configuration values that originate from a property file or exported environment variables from the Platform's startup shell, see External Reference (4.0).

File System Profile

With the File System Profile you can make filesystem-specific configurations which can be used by:

  • Amazon S3 agents

  • GCP Storage agents

  • HDFS agents

  • System Importer and Exporter

See File System (4.0).

Open API Profile

With the Open API Profile you can use Open API 3.0 with HTTP/2 agents, see Open API (4.0).

Redis Profile

With the Redis profile you can read and write data in a Redis database which can be accessed by real-time workflows using Aggregation, Distributed Storage, or PCC, see https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UEPE4D/pages/107226782.

Security Profile

With the Security profile you can make encryption configurations that can be used by several agents and profiles, Security (4.0).

Secrets Profile

With the Secrets profile you can use secrets that originate from one central location. It can be used with the Azure Profile and SAP RFC Profile, Secrets (4.0).

Shared Table Profile

With the Shared Table profile you can enable workflow instances to share tables for database lookups, Shared Table (4.0).

Available Profiles

Below is a complete list of all available profiles: