Workflow Types(4.0)

Workflow Types(4.0)

There are four types of workflow configurations:

  • Batch
  • Real-Time
  • Task
  • System Task

Batch Workflow

A batch workflow processes input from a specific source, usually a file. The workflow creates batches from the data and processes them one by one.  

In a batch workflow data is collected by a single collecting agent in a transaction-safe manner. A single batch is collected (only once) and is fully processed by the workflow before the next batch is collected.  

A batch workflow:  

  • Processes batches, one at a time.
  • Is started either manually or by a scheduled trigger.  
  • Stops either when it finishes processing the input, or when aborted.


    If the workflow aborts, the current batch can be reprocessed.

Real-Time Workflow

Real-time workflows are used in systems where instant processing requests need to be addressed as they occur.

In real-time workflows most of the collecting agents communicate in a two-way manner; they receive requests and provide replies.

A real-time workflow:

  •   Can have more than one collecting agent


    Multithreading operations differ from batch workflows in the following ways:

    1. The order of UDR processing cannot be guaranteed. 

    2. Only global MIMs are used.

    3. They can process several UDRs simultaneously. See Multithreading (4.0).

  • Once started, the real-time workflows remain active. A real-time workflow is started either manually or by a scheduled trigger and stops either manually or due to an error.
  • Processes reside in memory. Transaction safety must be handled prior to collection and after distribution.
  • Errors are registered in the System Log and the workflow continues to run. Real-time workflow error handling rarely leads to workflow aborts.


Real-time workflows may use the Inter Workflow or Kafka agents to forward data to a batch workflow.

Task Workflows

Task workflows are single-agent workflows that execute user-defined SQL, shell scripts, or unit tests.

System Task Workflows

Usage Engine comes with built-in System Task workflows. System Task workflows and groups let you perform activities such as log and run-time data cleanup.

System Task workflows include the following types:

This section includes information about:

Opening a System Task Workflow

  1. The System Task Workflow is open from the workflow configurations list (Build menu).
  2. To open a System Task, double-click a System Task workflow or workflow group in the Configurations pane.

System Task Workflows list

Modifying a System Task Workflow Configuration

All System Task Workflow configurations are modified at the template level. However, all workflow properties are set to Final and cannot be modified.

You can modify a System Task configuration, including its scheduling criteria, but you cannot create or remove a System Task configuration.

In the Archive Cleaner Workflow, you are only allowed to modify its scheduling criteria. For further information, see Scheduling in Managing a Workflow Group.  

  To Modify a System Task Workflow:  

  1. Open the System Task Workflow that you want to modify. You can double-click or right-click on the System Task in the View Configuration.
  2. Double-click the agent icon to open the Agent Configuration dialog.
  3. Perform the changes and click OK.
  4. Save the workflow.

Archive Cleaner

The Archive Cleaner System Task enables the removal of old archived files from the file system. The Archive Cleaner operates according to data that it receives from the Archive profiles.


You can only modify the scheduling criteria of the Archive Cleaner. See Archive Profile (3.3). Since schedules can only be applied to workflow groups, the Archive Cleaner scheduling is modified from the workflow group configuration.

Configuration Cleaner

The Configuration Cleaner enables the setting of maximum age of an old configuration before it is removed.


You cannot remove the most recent configuration with the Configuration Cleaner, only the previous ones.

To configure the Configuration Cleaner:

  1.   Select a configuration type from the table and click the entry in the Keep column to prompt the drop-down list.
  2.   Select one of the following options: Always, Days, or Versions.


The Configuration Cleaner System Task



The icon represents the configuration type.


The name of the configuration type.


Select the time unit to specify how long the old configurations should remain in the system. The time unit are as follows:

  • Always: Always keep configurations. 

  • Days: Keep configurations for a specified number of days.

  • Versions: Keep only a certain amount of versions of the configurations. For example, the last 10 versions.


Specify the number of days or versions that represent the period during which configurations are kept.

Data Veracity Maintenance

The Data Veracity Maintenance system task removes outdated Data Veracity data. This task is only applicable to data in REPROCESSED or DELETE_APPROVED state. For more information, see Data Veracity Maintenance System Task(3.3).

The Data Veracity Maintenance Task

ECS Maintenance

The ECS Maintenance enables the removal of old ECS data from the file system. This task is only applicable to data in the REPROCESSED state. For more information see ECS Maintenance System Task(3.3).

The ECS Maintenance Task 

Statistics Cleaner

 The Statistics Cleaner enables the removal of old statistics data that has been collected by the Statistics server and stored in the database.

The Statistics Cleaner Task


Minute Level Records

Specifies the number of days during which a minute-level record should be kept in the database.

Hour Level Records

Specifies the number of days during which an hour-level record should be kept in the database.

Day Level Records

Specifies the number of days during which a day-level record should be kept in the database.

System Backup

The System Backup enables you to create a backup of all the configurations in the system. A backup file is saved on the host machine where the Platform application is installed. 

The System Backup files are stored in $MZ_HOME/backup/yyyy_MM, where yyyy_MM is translated to the current year and month, and $MZ_HOME/backup is the default path. The system saves a backup file and names it according to the following format: backup_<date>.zip. In addition, System Backup lets you specify the maximum age of backup files before they are removed. You can change this location using the following command:

<property name="mz.backup.path" value="${mz.home}/backup"/>

The System Backup configuration dialog contains two tabs:

  • System Backup: This is to enable the backup option.

  • Cleanup: This is to configure the time during which a backup should be kept on the disk before it is deleted.

System Backup Tab

The System Backup System Task - System Backup tab


Enable System Backup

Select this checkbox to enable the system backup. This setting is selected by default.

Use Encryption

Select this checkbox to enable encryption of the backup.


Enter a password.

Cleanup Tab

The System Backup System Task - Cleanup tab


System Backup Files

Defines the maximum age of system backup files before they are removed from the host disk.

System Log Cleaner

The System Log Cleaner deletes the System Log periodically. You specify how long to keep different message types in the System Log Cleaner configuration.

The System Log Cleaner Task



Enter the number of days to keep Error and Disaster messages before they are removed from the database.

Max value: 99 days

Default value: 30 days


Enter the number of days to keep Warning messages in the database.

Max value: 99 days

Default value: 20 days


Enter the number of days to keep Information messages in the database.

Max value: 99 days

Default value: 10 days

User Cleanup

The User Cleanup Task can be used to automatically deleting inactive users. If SSO is turned on, a user logged in through SSO is added in the system upon login, but the user is not removed when it is deleted from the OIDC server. To resolve this, the User Cleanup Task can be used to delete users that have not logged in for a configurable number of days.

The User Cleanup Task

Apply only to SSO usersThis setting is enabled by default and limits the function to SSO users only. 
Retention PeriodThe default value is 0 (zero). This setting specifies the number of days to wait before a user is deleted after their last login session. A value of 0 (zero) disables the cleanup function. 
Default Successor

If a certain user is deleted from the platform, a successor needs to be designated. This user will take ownership of all previously owned configurations.

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