New Features and Functionality ( 3.3)

New Features and Functionality ( 3.3)

In this section, you can see information about the new features and functionality in this release.

New Features

The following new functionality has been added in this release:

UI Builder

Issue number(s): XE-11270

A new UI Builder agent is now available for real-time workflows. With this agent, you can create custom UIs that you can view in a web browser without writing any HTML code.

UI Builder agent

To view pages created using UI Builder you must have write access to the UI Builder.

See UI Builder(3.3) for more information.

Git Support

Issue number(s): XE-10996

You can now import and export data and configurations from and to Git repositories.

See File System (3.3)System Exporter(3.3), and System Importer(3.3) for more information.

KPI Management

Issue number(s): XE-10759

With KPI Management you can aggregate and transform large volumes of raw data into information that is suitable for multi-dimensional analytics.

KPI Management consists of the following:

  • Configuration repository

  • Runtime repository

  • Real-time processing agent

A KDR UDR and KPIOutput UDR have been added. KDR UDRs are collected by the KPI Management agent and are mapped to the fields that are provisioned to the configuration repository. The KPI data generated is delivered in KPIOutput UDRs.

The KPI Management profile is used to select the KPI Model that should be used by the KPI Management agent and settings for handling data that arrives late

For further information on KPI Management, see KPI Management User's Guide (3.3)

Python Agents

Issue number(s): XE-10783, XE-10752, XE-10782

The following Python agents are now available:

  • Python Collector

  • Python Processing

  • Python Connector

  • Python Task

along with the:

  • Python Interpreter profile

  • Python Module

When specifying the location of a Python executable in the Python Manager(3.3)or in the Python Interpreter Profile (3.3), you can either use the path to the executable in the file system or use connection details to a Python daemon. If you choose to connect to a Python daemon, you can provide your sidecar container for running Python processes.

See Python Agents (3.3) for more information.


Issue number(s): XE-6114

In Usage Engine there is now an IPDR SP agent available for real-time workflows.

The IPDR SP agent can process UDRs with Python in real-time by defining a consume block. It also uses an Interpreter profile that is used to configure the Python executable. If you have created several Interpreter profiles, you may also set which one you want to be the default one. If this is done, you will not have to select a profile in the agent configuration, as the default profile is used by default.

The IPDR SP (Internet Protocol Detail Record Streaming Protocol) agent is used to collect IP based service usage information, performance and usage measurement of cable modems and multimedia terminal adapters.

The IPDR SP agent also comes with an IPDR SP Template profile.

The profile allows the selection of the fields present in the DOCSIS 2.0 SAMIS, DOCSIS 3.0 SAMIS-TYPE-1 and DOCSIS 3.0 SAMIS-TYPE-2 specifications. This allows the IPDR SP agent to identify the format that the agent is receiving the data in.

For further information, see IPDR SP Template (3.3)and IPDR SP Agent (3.3).


The following enhancement of existing features has been included in this release.

ADLS File Agent Supports Parallel Transfers

Issue number(s): XE-9270

An Advanced tab is added to the ADLS File Forwarding agent configuration.

ADLS2 File Forwarding agent - Advanced tab

This tab contains the settings to configure the parallel transfer options appropriate for different file sizes. 

For further information, see ADLS2 File Forwarding Agent Configuration(3.3).

HTTP2 Client Agent Supports Additional Access Token Request

Issue number(s): XE-10736

Additional properties for access token requests are added to the HTTP2 Client Agent. This enhancement is applicable when users select the Nnrf Access Token as the Authentication Type in Authentication tab.

The available access tokens properties include Requester PLMN (Public Land Mobile Network), SNPN (Standalone Non-Public Network) and Requester S-NSSAI.

For further information, see HTTP/2 Client Agent Configuration(3.3).

5G Profile Supports 3GPP Rel-17

Issue number(s): XE-10734

The 5G profile is enhanced to support 3GPP version 17. Users can select the version from the Version Select drop-down field. Additional NF types are added along with this new version support. 

For further information, see 5G (3.3).

HTTP/2 Agents Support Multiple Open API Services

Issue number(s): XE-10239

Both HTTP/2 Service and Client agents are now supporting the selection of multiple Open API profiles. This can be done by selecting the Open API profiles in the agent configuration dialog.

For further information, see HTTP/2(3.3).

Open API Profile Schema Allows “Additional Properties”

Issue number(s): XE-10010

In the Open API profile, the “Add “additionalProperties: false” to component schemas” checkbox is added in the Advanced tab to allow the injection of the value in the schema file.

For further information, see Open API (3.3).

SFTP Supports Bind Address

Issue numbers(s): XE-10357

The SFTP agents are now configurable to use the bind address when establishing a client connection. In order to do so, users must select the Enable Bind Address option to bind a specific virtual network IP as the source of the SFTP agent's connection and enter the IP address in the Bind Address field. 

See SFTP Collection Agent(3.3) and SFTP Forwarding agent(3.3) for more information. 


New APL function: mailNotifyHtml

Issue number(s): XE-10959

A new APL function has been created for the Log and Notification Functions called mailNotifyHtml.

The mailNotifyHtml function is similar to the existing mailNotify function. The different with the mailNotifyHtml function is that it supports the standard HTML format in the message field, allowing you to send out emails in HTML format.

See Log and Notification Functions (3.3) for more information.

Proxy Support

Proxy support has been added for:

  • Web Service agents

See HTTP Proxy Setup (3.3) , and Web Service (3.3) for more information


Since before, proxy is also supported for:

  • HTTP APL functions

  • HTTP Batch agent

  • GCP agents

  • HTTP/2 Client agnet

  • Salesforce Streaming agent


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