Access Groups Tab(3.3)

Administrator is a predefined access group. By default, this group has full access to all the activities and functions in the system and it cannot be deleted. You are only permitted to change the Access Controller permissions for the Administrator group.

To add a new group to the system, select the Access Groups tab and then click New button from the toolbar.



Enter the name of the group. Valid characters are: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, '-' and '_'


Descriptive information about the group.

Allow Access Through SCIMCheck to enable access through SCIM API.  Refer SCIM(3.2)


This column is a list of all the applications in the system.


Check to enable the members of the access group to start an instance of the relevant application. Clear to prohibit the access group members from using it.


Check to enable the members of the access group to edit and save a configuration within the relevant application.


When access group A is granted Write access to an application, if any of the configuration related to the application has their permission set to access group B, members of access group A that are not members of access group B will not have any permission to work on the configuration. For more information on how to set access groups in your configuration, refer to the  Permission Tab under Browser(3.2).

Checking Write for Data Management and Tools & Monitoring features will allow members of the access group to manipulate the data contained within.

Clear to prohibit the user from doing so.

Application Category

A drop down menu that allows the user to filter on application type. Options are All, Configuration, Inspection, Tools, Web Interface or Web API.

Select All

Enables Write (if applicable) and Execute for all permissions in the chosen category.

Deselect All

Disables Write and Execute for all permissions in the chosen category.

For information about how to modify configuration permissions, see Browser(3.2).