Batch-Based Real-Time Agents - UDR Types(3.1)

This section describes the UDR types that are used with the agents.

The UDR types used by the agents can be viewed in the UDR Internal Format Browser in the BatchRT folder. To open the browser open an APL Editor, in the editing area. Right-click and select UDR Assistance... and the browser opens.

UDR types produced by Collecting Agents


The BeginBatch UDR type is used to indicate that collection of a file has begun. This UDR type does not contain any data from the collected file.
batchCount (long)This field contains the sequential numbering of the file being collected.
fileName (string)This field contains the name of the file being collected.


The CancelBatch UDR type is used to indicate that collection of a file has been cancelled. This UDR type does not contain any data from the collected file.

batchCount (long)This field contains the sequential numbering of the file being collected.
fileName (string)This field contains the name of the file being collected.


The EndBatch UDR type is used to indicate that the collection agent has routed the last file record to the workflow. This UDR type does not contain any data from the collected file.

batchCount (long)This field contains the sequential numbering of the file being collected.
fileName (string)This field contains the name of the file being collected.

UDR types consumed by the Collecting or Forwarding Agents


The ForceEndBatch UDR type is used to force an end to the batch. The UDR has no specific fields.