HDFS Collection Agent Configuration(3.1)

HDFS Collection Agent Configuration(3.1)


The HDFS tab contains configurations related to the placement and handling of the source files to be collected by the agent.

ProfileSelect the File System profile you want the agent to use, see File System Profile - HDFS (3.1) for further information about this profile.

Collection Strategy

If there are more than one collection strategy available in the system a Collection Strategy drop down list will also be visible. For more information about the nature of the collection strategy please refer to 11. Appendix 4 - Collection Strategies.


Absolute pathname of the directory on the remote file system, where the source files reside. 


Name of the source files on the local file system. Regular expressions according to Java syntax applies. For further information, see http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html.


To match all filenames beginning with TTFILE, type: TTFILE.*


Compression type of the source files. Determines if the agent will decompress the files before passing them on in the workflow.

  • No Compression - agent does not decompress the files. Default setting.

  • Gzip - agent decompresses the files using gzip.

Move to Temporary Directory

If enabled, the source files will be moved to the automatically created subdirectory DR_TMP_DIR in the source directory, prior to collection. This option supports safe collection of a source file reusing the same name.

Append Suffix to Filename

Enter the suffix that you want added to the file name prior to collecting it.