Data Veracity Collection Agent Configuration(3.1)

Data Veracity Collection Agent Configuration(3.1)

The Data Veracity Collection agent's configuration dialog contains the following tabs:

  • Data Veracity - This tab contains the configuration needed to collect UDRs or batch files from Data Veracity.


Click Browse to select a predefined Data Veracity Profile.  This profile contains the Data Veracity UDR type and table information that the Collection agent requires to collect the erroneous UDR or Batch files.

For further information, see Data Veracity (3.0).


UDR and Batch radio button here will be enabled according to the selected Data Veracity Profile.

Select either UDR or Batch to determine if the agent will be collecting UDRs or Batch files from the Data Veracity tables.

The Collection agent can only collect either UDR or Batch at any one time.   


Type: UDR

Data Veracity Collection Agent configuration - UDR Type

This table is where we can specify what UDR to collect, and the rules to collect the selected UDR Type.

Click on the Add button to add the rule.

Collection Configuration - Error Codes