Kafka Real-Time Collection Agent
The Kafka real-time collection agent consumes messages from Kafka. Several workflows can collect messages from the same set of topics in parallel but from different partitions. Starting and stopping workflows will automatically rebalance which partitions the workflows collect from, see Automatic Scale Out and Rebalancing.
Workflow Example
A simple workflow with a Kafka real-time collection agent can look like this:
This workflow example has been created as follows:
Workflow Design
Create the workflow with the following agents:
Agent | Configuration |
Kafka | Collects messages from Kafka. |
Analysis | Receives |
Encoder | Encodes the data to the format the files will be forwarded in. |
Disk | Creates files with the defined format and stores them in the stated directory. |
Kafka Collector
Configure the Kafka real-time collector agent to minimize potential data loss by setting Offset management to At Least Once.
Analysis Agent
Configure the Analysis agent to create an output UDR and then map the content of the Kafka message. A unique id is created by using the offset from the input UDR.
consume {
Default.UFL_test.test_TI myUDR = udrCreate(Default.UFL_test.test_TI);
myUDR.offSet = (string)input.offset;
myUDR.value = baToStr(input.value);