JSON Decoding Functions

The functions described in this section are used to decode JSON formatted strings.

The following functions for JSON Decoding described here are:


This function decodes a JSON formatted string to a json.JsonObject UDR or a json.JsonArray UDR.

The field asMap in a  json.JsonObject UDR contains key-value pairs where the value is a string, another json.JsonObject UDR or a  json.JsonArray UDR.

The field asList in a json.JsonArray UDR contains a list of json.JsonObject and json.JsonArray UDRs.

any jsonDecode ( string jsonString)






The JSON formatted string to decode


A json.JsonObject UDR or a json.JsonArray UDR


jsonDecode can only decode valid JSON.

If the input is split due to size, the JSON may be invalid. The workaround for this is to use the baAppend function as shown in the example below.

Example - Example - Decoding JSON formatted string to json.JsonObject and json.JsonArray

import ultra.json; bytearray ba; consume { ba = baAppend(ba, input); } drain { if (ba != null) { string s = baToStr(ba); any js = jsonDecode(s); if (isJsonObject(js)) { debugJsonObject((JsonObject) js, ""); } else if (isJsonArray(js)) { debugJsonArray((JsonArray) js, ""); } } } void debugJsonObject(JsonObject js, string parent) { map<string, any> mapObj = js.asMap; list<string> ikeys = mapKeys(mapObj); string path; if (strLength(parent) > 0) { path = path + "/" + parent; } for (string i : ikeys) { any value = mapGet(mapObj, i); if (isJsonObject(value)) { debugJsonObject((JsonObject) value, i); } else if (isJsonArray(value)) { debugJsonArray((JsonArray) value, i); } else { debug(path + "/" + i + ":" + value); } } } void debugJsonArray(JsonArray ja, string parent) { list<any> array = ja.asList; for (any i : array) { if (isJsonObject(i)) { debugJsonObject((JsonObject) i, parent); } else if (isJsonArray(i)) { debugJsonArray((JsonArray) i, parent); } } } boolean isJsonObject(any value) { return instanceOf(value, JsonObject); } boolean isJsonArray(any value) { return instanceOf(value, JsonArray); }


This function decodes a JSON formatted string to a DRUDR.

void jsonDecodeUdr ( string jsonString, DRUDR udr, boolean requireExactMapping (optional) )






The JSON string to decode


The UDR to store the decoded data


Set to true if there must be matching UDR fields for all fields in the JSON string. The default value is false.

When requireExactMapping is set to true and the function fails to match a field, it will throw an exception. If the function is used in batch workflow, the exception will cause it to abort. In a real-time workflow, the function does not decode the string, but the workflow does not abort.

When requireExactMapping is set to false, the function will decode all JSON fields that can be mapped to a UDR field, the rest of the string will be ignored.



Example - Encoding UDR to JSON and decoding the result
