SAP CC Online Agent Configuration
You open the SAP CC Online agent configuration dialog from a workflow configuration. To open the SAP CC Online agent configuration, click Build → New Configuration. Select Workflow from the Configurations dialog. When prompted to Select workflow type, select Realtime. Click Add agent and select SAP CC Online from the Agent Selection dialog.
Connection Tab
The Connection tab contains configuration data that is required to connect to a remote server.
SAP CC Online agent configuration dialog - Connection tab
Setting | Description |
Hosts | In this section, add IP address/hostname and external charging port of at least one SAP Convergent Charging Core server Dispatcher Instance. The SAP CC Online agent will try to connect to the listed hosts until a connection is successfully established with one of them. Note!When Hosts is set to Default or Per Workflow in Workflow Properties, you can specify multiple hosts in the workflow table. Each host must be separated by a semi-colon. For example: host1:2000;host2:2000. Note!If you upgrade, or import a configuration, from a version previous to MedationZone 7.2, the Host and Port settings are no longer included in the workflow table for your workflow. Instead, you must manually configure the Hosts setting in the Workflow Table tab in the Workflow Properties dialog. |
Connection Settings | |
Enable Authentication | Select this check box to enable charging API authentication. Note!Charging API Authentication is only available for SAP CC version 4.1 SP2 and later. |
User Name | SAP CC user id |
Password | The password for the SAP CC user |
Timeout | The timeout (in milliseconds) to apply for each charging request. This value corresponds to the maximum time that SAP CC can take to execute one charging request. |
Enable Secured Connection | Select to use TLS encrypted communication with Hosts. For more information about setting up Secured Connection, refer to SAP CC Secured Connection. |
Keystore Path | The path to the keystore on an Execution Container host. The path must be the same for all hosts. |
Keystore Password | The password of the keystore. |
Advanced Settings Tab
The Advanced Settings tab contains configurations related to charging request behavior.
SAP CC Online agent configuration dialog - Advanced tab
Setting | Description |
Default charging properties | |
Transaction Set to Return | This parameter controls the content of the charging answer.
In Session Cleanup Transaction Set to Return | This parameter controls the content of the charging answer in the case a session cleanup occurred during a charging request. The same value as for Transaction Set to Return applies here. |
Session Time To Live | Defines the default session 'time to live' (in seconds) for the session charging request. This is the time period during which a session is considered active if no updates occurred. |
Default Session Resolution | This parameter controls the default session termination to apply when a session has reached its 'time to live'. The session (in fact, the last reservation) could be either:
Reservation Renewal Listener | |
Listen For Reservation Renewal Events | Select to listen for Reservation Renewal Events from SAP Convergent Charging. |
Listener Identifier | Identifies the listener that the client binds to in order to receive Reservation Renewal Events. The Listener Identifier registered by an agent must be in the range of 1 to 127. If several agents use the same Listener Identifier the first agent to register will receive the events. If the first agent to register the Listener Identifier becomes unavailable, the second agent to register will receive the events. |
Spending Status Monitoring | |
Listen For Spending Status Reports | Select to listen for Spending Status Reports from SAP Convergent Charging. |
Listener Identifier | Identifies the listener that the client binds to in order to receive Spending Status Reports. The Listener Identifier registered by an agent must be in the range of 1 to 127. If several agents use the same Listener Identifier the first agent to register will receive the events. If the first agent to register the Listener Identifier becomes unavailable, the second agent to register will receive the events. |
Default Monitoring Listener Identifier | This is the default ID that will be used for the monitoring session. |
Default Monitoring Session TTL | This is the default Time To Live value (in seconds) that will be used. |
Debugging | |
Enable Debug Events | Select this check box to enable debug mode. Useful for testing purposes. |
Response Data | |
Convert Bigdecimal Response to String | Select this check box to allow conversion of the BigDecimal data type from the SAP Convergent Charging response into string. By default, the check box is empty. |
Flow Control Tab
The Flow Control tab contains configurations required to control the request flow with Convergent Charging Core Server.
Canceled - Cancel
Confirmed - Confirm
SAP CC Online agent configuration dialog - Flow Control tab
Setting | Description |
Enable Flow Control | This parameter determines if the flow controller is activated or not on the SAP CC Stateful Service Client. |
Queue Properties | |
Queue Size | This parameter controls the maximum number of waiting requests to be executed by the SAP Convergent Charging core server. This is mandatory to make sure that the core server is not flooded with too many requests. Requests that cannot fit in the queue wait until the size reaches the Re-accept Request Threshold parameter explained below. The value of this parameter depends on: The total number of incoming requests that can be handled by the available SAP CC Dispatchers (refer to the description of the SAP CC The number of SAP CC Stateful Service Clients connected within the different workflows. |
Re-accept Request Threshold | This parameter defines the threshold of the queue below which waiting requests are processed again. This parameter is only relevant when some requests are waiting because the queue has reached its size. |
Monitoring Event Tab
The Monitoring Event tab contains configurations for sending an event related to latency, for example, the number of successfully processed UDRs, erroneous UDRs, and so on.
The monitoring information is sent through a CC Monitoring Event. For further information about how to set up the CC Monitoring Event, see Event Notifications. It is recommended that you do not enable these monitoring features in a production landscape.
SAP CC Online Agent Configuration - Monitoring Event Tab
Setting | Description |
Enable Global Event | Select to send a CC Monitoring Event when the Workflow is stopped. |
Enable Spot Event | Select to send a CC Monitoring Event with a configured frequency, see Spot Frequency below. |
Spot Frequency | Configure the frequency (in seconds) for how often a CC Monitoring Event shall be sent. Default frequency is 1000 second. |