Workflow Bridge Real-time Forwarding Agent Events

Workflow Bridge Real-time Forwarding Agent Events

Agent Message Events

There are no agent message events for this agent.

For information about the agent message event type, see Agent Event.

Debug Events

Debug messages are dispatched in debug mode. During execution, the messages are displayed in the Workflow Monitor.

You can configure Event Notifications that are triggered when a debug message is dispatched. For further information about the debug event type, see Debug Event.

The agent produces the following debug events:

  • Connected to local <Collector agent address>

    This message is displayed when a connection has been established with a Collection agent.

  • Disconnected from <Collector agent address>

    This message is displayed when a connection has been released.

  • Trying to connect to <Collector agent address>

    This message is displayed when a forwarding agent is trying to connect to a collector.