SAP RFC Processor Agent Example

SAP RFC Processor Agent Example

This section provides an example of a workflow to illustrate how the SAP RFC Processor agent can be used.

Example workflow with SAP RFC Processor agent

An example of an SAP RFC profile configuration:

Example SAP RFC profile

Analysis Agent to Create UDRs

In this example, an Analysis agent, CreateUDR, has been used in order to populate the UDR that is generated by the SAP RFC profile and sent to the SAP RFC Processor agent. 

import ultra.SAP_RFC.Default.ZCI_PLAN_DISPLAY_UPDATE; import ultra.SAP_RFC.Default.ZCI_PLAN_DISPLAY_UPDATE.subUdr; int seqNo = 0; synchronized int increaseSeq() { return seqNo++; } consume { ZCI_PLAN_DISPLAY_UPDATE_UDR rfcUdr = udrCreate(ZCI_PLAN_DISPLAY_UPDATE_UDR); rfcUdr.tableParams = udrCreate(tableParams_ZCI_PLAN_DISPLAY_UPDATE); rfcUdr.tableParams.IT_PLAN_UPDATE = listCreate(ZCI_PLAN_DISPLAY_S); ZCI_PLAN_DISPLAY_S item = udrCreate(ZCI_PLAN_DISPLAY_S); item.PLAN_DISPLAY_ID = (string) increaseSeq(); item.PLAN_DISPLAY_NAME = baToStr(input.Data) + item.PLAN_DISPLAY_ID; listAdd(rfcUdr.tableParams.IT_PLAN_UPDATE, item); udrRoute(rfcUdr); }