GTP' LGU Collection Agent UDR

GTP' LGU Collection Agent UDR

The UDR type used by the GTP' LGU Collection agent can be viewed in the UDR Internal Format Browser. To open the browser, open an APL Editor, and, in the editing area, right-click and select UDR Assistance.


The following fields are included in the GTPCollectionUDR format:





dataRecords (list<GTPDataRecord>)

This field contains a list of the GTP data records in bytearray and the length of the record in integer. The list contains the following fields for each element:

  1. dataRecords(bytearray)

  2. length(int)

port (int)

This field contains the port number of the GTP' server.

sequenceNumber (long)

This field contains the sequence number of the collected data records.

source (string)

This field should contain the source from where the data was collected. This can be the IP address or hostname of the GTP' server.