The Commands Used

The main benefits with the vcexport/vcimport commands compared to the systemexport/systemimport commands are:

  • The exported configurations are easier to read, which also makes it easier to compare the new export with any previous export.

  • The format is more compact than the traditional export format.


usage: vcexport [options] 

This command exports configurations in a format that is adapted for version control systems. The vcexport command exports the configurations into a flat structure, i e with file extensions instead of directories. For each exported configuration, a .xsd file will be generated in which the structure of the data is stored, which will produce a more compact format than the other export commands can offer.

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'MD82:2.2.39 vcexport'.


usage: vcimport [options]

This command imports exports made with the vcexport command.

Error rendering macro 'excerpt-include' : User 'null' does not have permission to view the page 'MD82:2.2.40 vcimport'.


If a key or name conflict occur, the imported data will not overwrite existing configurations.