Log and Notification Functions

The following functions are used for debugging APL code, or logging user defined messages and events.

The following functions for Log and Notification described here are:


This function prints the supplied argument to the output target specified in the Execution tab of the Workflow Properties dialog. The valid options are File or Event.

If File is selected, the debug is saved in the temporary directory specified in the system property pico.tmpdir. The file must be named as debug/<workflow name>.

Alternatively, the location of the debug file can also be configured by using the mz.wf.debugdir property. Each time a workflow is activated, a new debug information will be generated and overwrite the existing file.

If Event is selected, the output is shown in the Workflow Monitor. For further information, see Workflow Monitor.

void debug( arg )


Argument to write to debug output. Could be any type. Note that printing a UDR type will dump all the field values, which may be a large amount of data. Similarly, the debug output for a table or list type may be very large.

There is a special case if arg is a bytearray. In this case, the output string will be the hex dump returned from the baHexDump built-in function.

For all other variable types, the output is the direct string conversion, meaning debug ( arg ) is the same as debug( (string) arg ).




The function makes it possible to detect alarm situations based on workflow behavior. It dispatches a user defined <value> with a user defined valueName from the workflow. The valueName used must be defined using Alarm Detection. For further information, see Alarm Detection in the Desktop user's guide.

void dispatchAlarmValue(string <"valueName">, long value)


The workflow alarm value name, as defined in the Alarm Detection Editor


Any value to be associated with the name



Example - Using dispatchAlarmValue

The following code example displays a situation and syntax useful for the dispatchAlarmValue.

consume {
 if ( timeToPay ) {
 udrRoute(chargingUdr, "to_billing");
 //Enable for 'amount out of range' Alarm Detection
 dispatchAlarmValue("chargingAmount", chargingUdr.amount);


A user can define a customized event type. This is done using an event UDR, optionally extended with user defined fields. This event UDR can be populated with any information by utilizing APL code, and then be sent on, using the dispatchEvent function, to be caught by the Event Notification. For further information about Event Notification, see Event Notifications in the Desktop user's guide.

void dispatchEvent( UltraEvent  eventUDR )


The name of the event UDR




This method is used to produce user defined messages associated to predefined Event Categories. For further information about the Event Notification editor, see Event Notifications in the Desktop user's guide. For instance, an Event Category could be named 'DISASTER', and be configured to send an email to the System Administrator. Then an APL agent could send a detailed description with the dispatchMessage function whenever this error situation is detected.

void dispatchMessage
 ( string  string , 
 string  <Event Category>  )


Value/message to append to the Event Category

<Event Category>

Name of a user defined event as declared in the Event Notification Editor. This event must be defined in the Event Notification Editor in order for the APL code to compile.




Logs a message string to the System Log of type error, warning or information. The entry will fall under the Workflow category where workflow name will be the name of the current workflow and agent name will be the name of the agent logging the message.

void logError
 ( string  message , 
 string  parameterName_n , // Optional
 string|int  parameterValue_n , // Optional
 ... )
void logInformation
 ( string  message , 
 string  parameterName_n , // Optional
 string|int  parameterValue_n , // Optional
 ... )
void logWarning
 ( string  message , 
 string  parameterName_n , // Optional
 string|int  parameterValue_n , // Optional
 ... )


A main message appearing in the log


Name of an optional parameter. If declared, parameterValue_n must be declared as well.


Value of an optional parameter. If declared, parameterName_n must be declared as well.



Example - Using logWarning

The following code example logs a warning message, which when displayed in the System Log will look like the following figure:

logWarning( "UDR failed validation",
 "ANUMBER IS ", input.anum, 
 "BNUMBER IS ", input.bnum,
 "DURATION IS ", input.duration);

System Log inspection


These functions invokes logging with log4j. For information about how to configure the logging, such as to set the log level, see the System Administrator's Guide.

void log.fatal
(any message, 
any tag ) //optional

void log.error
(any message, 
any tag ) //optional

void log.warn
(any message, 
any tag ) //optional

void log.info 
(any message, 
any tag ) //optional

void log.debug 
(any message, 
any tag ) //optional

void log.trace
(any message, 
any tag ) //optional


A value that will be appear in the message field in the log output
This parameter will be ignored if cannot be typecasted to a primitive data type e g string or int.


Objects(s) that will appear in the tag field in the log output.


Example - Using log.debug

consume {
   log.debug("In consume.");
  list<int> rcDebug =listCreate(int);
 int rc=0;


Sends an email to a configured recipient. In order to operate, the system must have an email remitter and an SMTP mail server defined. For further information on Platform properties, see Platform in the System Administrator's Guide.


If used within the consume block, make sure that conditional expressions guarantees that this function does not get called for each UDR.

void mailNotify
 ( string  address ,
 string  subject ,
 string  message ,
 string  sender ,  //Optional
 list<string>  attachment  ) //Optional


Email address to the recipient on the form: "user@xxx.com"


Text ending up as the email subject


Message string ending up as the body of the email


Name or address of the sender of the email


This field will remain optional only when the attachment field is not populated. Once attachment is populated, the sender field will be a mandatory field.


A list that will contain one or many attachments to be sent with the email. Each list entry will be the full directory path of the attachment.



