Configuration Browser

The Configuration Browser gives a view of all configurations. The user can easily filter what configurations to be shown, by selecting configurations of a specific type or owned by a specific user.

By default, all configurations are displayed. The browser supports a set of operations that can be performed; cut, copy, paste, delete, rename, encrypt, decrypt, and validate.

For each configuration, there is a Properties dialogue where you can set permissions and view history, references, and basic information.

The browser supports drag-and-drop for moving and copying configurations between folders. Holding down the CTRL-key while dragging a configuration results in a copy operation.

From the Configuration Browser you can also open the Configuration Tracer. In Configuration Tracer you see both active and historical configurations.

To open the Configuration Browser, click the Tools button in the upper left part of the Desktop window, and then select Configuration Browser from the menu.


When using the default authentication method, configurations created by LDAP-authenticated users may not appear in the Configuration Browser. To make these configurations visible, change the owner in the Properties dialogue (opened from the right-click menu in the Configuration Navigator). The new owner must be listed in the Users tab in the Access Controller.

The Configuration Browser

Right-click Menu

Right-click in the Configuration Browser to display the right-click menu. 

Configuration Browser Right-click Menu

Right Click Menu


 Select this option to refresh the Folder Pane and the Configuration Browser Table.

Expand All

Select this option to expand all of the folders to display the folders, subfolders, and all the configurations that they contain.

The only valid separators in a folder name are "_" or "-". If any other character is used as a separator, or if the Platform property mz.subfolder.enabled is set to false in platform.conf , this button is disabled.

Collapse All

Select this option to collapse subfolders and configurations so only the folders are visible. 

The only valid separators in a folder name are "_" or "-". If any other character is used as a separator, or if the Platform property mz.subfolder.enabled is set to false in platform.conf , this button is disabled.

New Configuration...

Opens the Configuration drop-down menu.

New Folder...

Select this option to create a new folder.

Open Configuration(s)...

Available when at least one configuration is selected in the browser.

Select this option to open the selected configuration.

Export Configuration(s)

Available when at least one configuration is selected in the browser.

Select this option to export the selected configurations. The System Exporter opens with the configurations pre-selected.


When exporting from the Configuration Browser, configuration dependencies are not automatically selected. To select configuration dependencies, select the Select Dependencies checkbox in the System Exporter. For further information see System Exporter.


Select this option to put one or more configurations on the clipboard so they can be moved to another location. Select the menu option Paste in the folder where the configurations should be stored.

This option is not applicable if the configuration is locked. For further information see the section Locks in Administration and Management in Legacy Desktop.


Select this option to put one or more configurations on the clipboard so they can be copied to another location. Select the menu option Paste in the folder where the copied configurations should be stored.


Select this option to store configurations that have been cut or copied to the clipboard into a folder.


Select this option to delete the selected configuration(s). If the configuration is referenced by another configuration, a warning message is displayed, informing you that you cannot remove the configuration. For further information see the section below, References Tab.


If you have enabled subfolders, you can only delete the last subfolder within a folder.


Select this option to change the name of the selected configuration. Take special precaution when renaming a configuration. If, for example, an APL script is renamed, workflows that are using this script will become invalid. This is especially important to know when renaming folders containing many ultra format configurations or APL. Renaming a folder with ultra formats or APL configurations will make all referring configurations invalid.


If you have enabled subfolders, you can only delete the last subfolder within a folder.


Select this option to encrypt the selected configurations.


Select this option to decrypt the selected configurations.


Select this option to validate the configuration. A validation message will be shown to the user.


Select this option to launch the Properties dialog for the selected configuration. For further information, see the section below, Properties.

Configuration Browser Table

The Configuration Browser table displays all configurations for the selected folder. If you right-click a configuration, a pop-up menu is displayed.

The columns in the Configuration Browser table are:




Displays the name of the configuration.


Displays the permissions granted to the current user of the configuration. Permissions are shown as R (Read), W (Write), and X (eXecute). If the configuration is encrypted, an E is also added. For further information about permissions, see the section below, Permissions Tab.


Displays the username of the user that created the configuration. The owner can:

  • Read, modify (write), and execute the configuration

  • Modify the permissions of user groups to read, modify, and execute the configuration.

Modified By

Displays the username of the user that made the last modifications to the configuration.

Modified Date

Displays the date when the configuration was last modified.

Filter Configurations 

Select this icon () to open the Filter Configurations dialogue:

  • Using the Folders tab you select which folders to see in the browser
  • Using the Types tab you select the configurations that you want to see in the browser
  • Using the Owners tab you select the owners whose configurations you want to see in the browser

Historic Configurations

The Historic option provides you with the option to select between the current list of configurations saved in the system and the Historic view, which lists configurations that have been deleted.

The Historic view also provides a unique identification Key assigned by the system for every configuration.

Historic configurations



Select this option to refresh the information in the table.


Historic mode displays configurations that have been removed from the system. The user can select to restore such a configuration.


Applicable only in the Historic view mode.

Click to restore the selected configuration. Once you click Restore and confirm its validity, the configuration is active and available for use.


The table in the Historic configurations contains the following columns:



Displays the name of the configuration.


Displays the configuration version.


Displays the internal key used to identify the configuration.

Modified By

Displays the user name of the user that made the last modifications to the configuration.

Modified Date

Displays the date when the configuration was last modified.

CommentDisplays any comments regarding the configuration.


To open the Properties dialog, right-click on a configuration and select Show Properties. This dialog contains four different tabs:

  • Basic, which contains basic information about the configuration. The Basic tab is displayed by default.
  • Permission, where you set permissions for different users.
  • References, where you can see which other configurations are referenced by the selected configuration, or that refer to the selected configuration.
  • History which displays the revision history for the configuration. 

Basic Tab

The Basic tab is the default tab in the Properties dialog and contains the following information:

The Properties dialog box - Basic tab



Displays the name of the configuration.


Displays the type of configuration.


Displays the internal key used to identify the configuration.


Displays the name of the folder in which the configuration is located.


Displays the version number of the configuration. See the History folder for further information about the different versions.


Displays the permissions granted to the current user of the configuration. Permissions are shown as R (Read), W (Write), and X (eXecute). If the configuration is encrypted, an E is also added. For further information about permissions, see the section below, Permissions Tab.


Displays the username of the user that created the configuration. The owner can:

  • Read, modify (write), and execute the configuration

  • Modify the permissions of user groups to read, modify, and execute the configuration.

Modified by

Displays the user name of the user that made the last modifications to the configuration.


Displays the date when the configuration was last modified.

If you want to use the information somewhere else you can highlight the information and press CTRL-C to copy the information to the clipboard.

Permissions Tab

The Permissions tab contains settings for what different user groups are allowed to do with the configuration:

The Permissions tab

As access permissions are assigned to user groups, and not individual users, it is important to make sure that the users are included in the correct user groups to allow access to different configurations.

R W X E Permission Description
R---Allowed only to view the configuration, given that the user is granted access to the application.
-W--Allowed to edit and delete the configuration.
--X-Allowed only to execute the configuration.
RW--Allowed to view, edit, and delete the configuration, given that the user is granted access to the application.
-WX-Allowed to edit, delete, and execute the configuration.
R-X-Allowed to view and execute the configuration, given that the user is granted access to the application.
RWX-Full access.

References Tab

The References tab contains information about which other configurations that the current configuration refers to, and which other configurations that the current configuration is referenced by:

The References tab

The References tab contains two tabs; Used By, which displays all the configurations that use the current configuration, and Uses, which displays all the configurations that the current configuration uses.

To edit, just double-click a configuration to open it in a tab.

History Tab

The History tab contains version information for the configuration:

The History tab

In the table, the following columns are included:



Displays the version number.

Modified Date

Displays the date and time when the version was saved.

Modified By

Displays the user name of the user that saved the version.


Displays any comments for the version.

If you want to clear the configuration history, click the Clear Configuration History button. The version number is not affected by this.