/ MIM Agent Input/Output Data and MIM MIM Agent Input/Output Data and MIM

Input/Output Data

The Input/Output data is the type of data an agent expects and delivers.

The MIM agent does not produce data.


For information about the  MIM and a list of the general MIM parameters, see Meta Information Model in 1.2 Administration and Management.


The agent publishes the following MIM parameters:

MIM ValueDescription
Couchbase Statistics

This parameter contains the Couchbase statistics from the Couchbase profile(s) that you have selected to create statistics from in the MIM agent configuration.

The statistcs include the following:

  • Maximum answer time
  • Average answer time
  • Number of failed CRUDS
  • Maximum lock time
  • Average lock time
  • Number of failed locks
  • Number of timed out locks

This MIM parameter is of the any type and is defined as a global MIM context type.


The agent does not access any MIM resources.