30. Azure Functions

The Azure OAuth Token functions include:

  • acquireAzureOAuthToken
  • acquireAzureOAuthTokenCustomAuthority


Contacts Azure to set up an OAuth Token based on the stated parameters.

AzureOAuthToken acquireAzureOAuthToken( 
string tenantID, 
string resourceID, 
string clientID, 
string certificate, 
string certifcatePassword )




The Tenant ID is a GUID for your instance, or domain.


The Resource ID is the App ID uri of the Azure application that you want to receive an OAuth Token for.

clientIDAlso known as an Application ID, a GUID that identifies the Azure application that is requesting the OAuth Token.
certificateThe full path and filename to the certificate or truststore. Must be set up on the EC that the workflow is running on. Only a PFX formatted certificate or a PKCS#12 formatted JKS truststore can be used.
certificatePasswordThe password to the certificate or truststore.


An AzureOAuthToken UDR, or an exception if the parameters/credentials were incorrect.


AzureOAuth.AzureOAuthToken = AzureOAuth.acquireAzureOAuthToken("733f2c27-a0ca-45e1-a3b7-014bd4518ea3", "https://storage.azure.com/", "69bca157-2362-4ca7-adf3-6a26f6bd842f", "/opt/azure/certificate/appaccesscert.pfx", "verysecretpass");


Contacts Azure to set up an OAuth Token based on the stated parameters with authorityHost.

AzureOAuthToken acquireAzureOAuthToken( 
string tenantID, 
string resourceID, 
string clientID, 
string certificate, 
string certifcatePassword,
string authorityHost )




The Tenant ID is a GUID for your instance, or domain.


The Resource ID is the App ID uri of the Azure application that you want to receive an OAuth Token for.

clientIDAlso known as an Application ID, a GUID that identifies the Azure application that is requesting the OAuth Token.
certificateThe full path and filename to the certificate or truststore. Must be set up on the EC that the workflow is running on. Only a PFX formatted certificate or a PKCS#12 formatted JKS truststore can be used.
certificatePasswordThe password to the certificate or truststore.
authorityHostThe URL for the directory that Microsoft Authentication Library will request tokens from.


An AzureOAuthToken UDR, or an exception if the parameters/credentials were incorrect.


AzureOAuth.AzureOAuthToken = AzureOAuth.acquireAzureOAuthToken("733f2c27-a0ca-45e1-a3b7-014bd4518ea3", "https://storage.azure.com/", "69bca157-2362-4ca7-adf3-6a26f6bd842f", "/opt/azure/certificate/appaccesscert.pfx", "verysecretpass", "https://login.microsoftonline.com/");