2.2 Data Repository
This section will describe how perform basic administration for the data repository.
In Couchbase clusters, the data is stored in data buckets. During the PCC installation, you can create data buckets in the cluster by using Couchbase profiles. See the PCC Installation Instructions for further information regarding this procedure. Once you have made your installation, you can select to add, edit and delete buckets either in the Couchbase Web Console, or by using Couchbase profiles.
Creating buckets in the Couchbase Web Console
To create a bucket in the Couchbase Web Console:
In the Dashboard, select Buckets.
Click the Add Bucket button.
The Add Bucket dialog is displayed.
Create a Couchbase bucket
Enter a name for the bucket, and enter the settings you want to have for the bucket. See the Couchbase documentation at http://docs.couchbase.com for further information regarding these settings.
Click the Add Bucket button.
The bucket is created, the dialog closes, and you return to the Dashboard where you can see the new bucket listed in the Buckets page.
Editing buckets in the Couchbase Web Console
To edit a bucket in the Couchbase Web Console:
In the Dashboard, select Buckets.
Click the bucket that you want to edit.
The settings for the bucket are displayed.
Edit a Couchbase bucket
Click the Edit button.
The Edit Bucket Settings dialog opens.
Edit Bucket Settings dialog
You can now edit the bucket's settings for Memory Quota, Ejection Method, Bucket Priority, Auto-Compaction, and Flush. See the Couchbase user documentation at http://docs.couchbase.com for further information regarding these settings.
Click the Save Changes button when you are finished.
Your changes are saved, the dialog closes, and you will return to the Dashboard.
Removing buckets in the Couchbase Web Console
To remove a bucket in the Couchbase Web Console:
In the Dashboard, select Buckets.
Click the bucket that you want to remove. The settings for the bucket are displayed.
Click the Delete button. You get a warning saying that all data will be deleted for the selected bucket.
Click the Delete Bucket button to confirm. The bucket is deleted.
The MySQL Cluster is started from a command line tool.
Starting MySQL Cluster
To start the MySQL Cluster after the first initial start has been made (see the PCC Installation Instructions for further information about initial startup):
Start the management server with the following command:
$ ndb_mgmd -f /etc/config.ini --configdir=/etc/
Check that the management node is started with the following command:
$ ndb_mgm -e show
Start each of the data nodes with the following command:
$ ndbmtd --ndb-connectstring=<IP address of the data node>:1186 --ndb-nodeid=<the data node id>
To see when the node is up, use the following command from the data folder on each node:
$ tail -f ndb_<node id>_out.log
The node will go through several starting setps, and then started "Node started" will be displayed.
To verify that the data node has been started, use the following command:
$ ndb_mgm -e show
An entry will then be displayed for each node. If it says "Starting", it has not yet been started. When it does not say "Starting" anymore, the node is online and ready to receive data.
When starting the entire database, all data nodes need to start successfully in order in order for the database to start.If any data node crashes during startup, the other nodes will shutdown.
Start the MySQL Server with the following command:
$ mysqld --defaults-file=/etc/my.cnf &