6.1. MySQL Cluster Monitoring

In order to monitor MySQL Cluster we recommend a tool called CMON, which is a monitoring tool developed by Severalnines. With CMON you can monitor and manage your MySQL Cluster. When CMON is installed, CMON agents will be running on every [EZ]. A CMON controller will be running in [CZ].

A web interface is available for accessing the information from CMON at http://cz01/cmon.

To install CMON:

  1. Go to the script installation directory:

     $ cd mysqlcluster-7.3/cluster/scripts/install


  2. Open the /root/mysqlcluster-73/cluster/config/cmon.cnf.controller file and specify mode=dual.


    Settings for MySQL hostnames, connect strings, ports and passwords can be found in the CMON configuration files:

    • /root/mysqlcluster-73/cluster/config/cmon.cnf.agent
    • /root/mysqlcluster-73/cluster/config/cmon.cnf.controller


  3. Run the installation script for the host in [CZ]:

    $ ./install-cmon.sh