1.2.4 System Log Inspector Tab

Initially the Search System Log page is displayed, where the user may enter criteria needed to search for certain messages and errors encountered in the system.

The Search System Log page

Log Area

The part(s) of system that logged the entry UserSystem or Workflow can be selected. At least one must be enabled.

Severity Type

Severity of the log entry. At least one must be enabled.

  • I (Information) - An information message which is logged, for instance, when a user logs in or a workflow is activated.

  • W (Warning) - A warning message. Considered to be slightly more serious than an information message. A warning message is logged, for instance, when a workflow sends data to ECS.

  • E (Error) - An error is logged when any part of the system fails, for instance, when a workflow aborts.

  • D (Disaster) - Rarely used, however sometimes used for user defined agents.

Period - From

Start date of the period from which entries will be searched. Year, month and day is selected.

Period - To

Finishing date of the period from which entries will be viewed. Year, month and day is selected.

Workflow Group:

Contains options to filter out data from a specific workflow group.


Contains options to filter out data from a specific workflow.


Contains options to filter out data from a specific agent.


Filter out actions performed by a specific user.

Log Message:

Text field where a string is entered. All messages containing this string will be extracted.

When a search has been executed the search result will be presented in a table. If the page is refreshed the search will be performed again, i.e. the search is repeated again with the same conditions specified in the most recent search. To change the search criteria, select Search at the top of the page and the Search System Log page is displayed again.

The System Log Inspector page - matched entries


Column with checkboxes, used when selecting one or more rows to be deleted.


The severity of the message, could be any of the following:

  • I (Information)

  • W (Warning)

  • E (Error)

  • D (Disaster)


Icon showing what log area the logged entry belongs to.


The log message of the entry and the date when it was last reported.

To receive additional information on a matched entry, select it by clicking it. This will display the System Log Details page, see System Log Details below.


The name of the workflow from which the entry originates.


The name of the workflow group from which the entry originates.

System Log Details

Shows a table with information about the entry. This information includes what date the message was logged, the origin and the pico name from where it originated. The message about the logged event is also presented.

The System Log Details page


Returns to the System Log Inspector page.


Shows the Search System Log page, where the search criteria may be changed.

Show Stack Trace

Hide Stack Trace

Shows and hides the stack trace details. Stack trace information is available for messages of Error type but is in some cases shown for Information messages as well. The stack trace information is advised to be included when contacting Support in error message errands.