2.1.14 system

2.1.14 system


usage: system <subcommand> <options>

This command starts the Platform if it is not running, and then starts/stops pico instances on containers that have been set up for remote execution.


This command is valid only for the MZ_HOME owner.

You can specify which pico instances that are to be started, stopped, or restarted by adding a target path to the subcommands. The target path is specified as follows:






Set your desired environment variables in $MZ_HOME/bin/mzshr.env as this file will be loaded with local variables. Add the desired profiles, such as ". /home/mzadmin/.profile_mz".

You can specify both the container and pico instance as a regular expression.

Example - Regular expression in target paths

By adding tag attributes you can perform additional filtering of the pico instances:

The following subcommands are available with mzsh system:

  • help

  • restart

  • start

  • stop


Use system help to retrieve a description of the help command or its subcommands.

Run the following command for an overview of the various subcommands:

Run the following command for a description of a specific subcommand:


Use system restart to stop and start pico instances in one or more containers. The Platform will be started if it is not already running. However, the command does not stop the Platform.






Lists the picos instances that are addressed by the command, but the command is not executed.

[-l, --local]

Use this option to select the local container, unless another container is specified in the target path.

[-t, --tag <tag>]

Filter that excludes all pico instances that do not contain the specified tag.


Sets the maximum allowed time for all calls to complete. The default value is 300 seconds.

[-v, --verbose]

Use this option for detailed output from the command.


Use system start to start pico instances in one or more containers. The Platform will be started if it is not already running. 






Lists the picos instances that are addressed by the command, but the command is not executed.

[-l, --local]

Use this option to select the local container, unless another container is specified in the target path.

[-t, --tag <tag>]

Includes pico instances in the target path that contain the specified tag.


Sets the maximum allowed time for all calls to complete. The default value is 300 seconds.

[-v, --verbose]

Use this option for detailed output from the command.


Use system stop to stop pico instances in one or more containers.  






Lists the picos instances that are addressed by the command, but the command is not executed.

[-l, --local]

Use this option to select the local container, unless another container is specified in the target path.

-t, --tag <tag>]

Includes pico instances in the target path that contain the specified tag.


Sets the maximum allowed time for all calls to complete. The default value is 300 seconds.

[-v, --verbose]

Use this option for detailed output from the command.

Return Codes

Listed below are the different return codes for the system command:




Will be returned if there is an old process running or if the remote (../temp/.remote) file cannot be deleted.


Will be returned if the command was successful, or if there are no startable processes defined.


Will be returned if the JVM failed to start. (The JVM has logged too much on stderr.)


Will be returned if the JVM failed to start. (The timeout on the callback from the JVM was exceeded.)


Will be returned if the command has been interrupted with CTRL-C.


Will be returned if the JVM failed to start. (The JVM started with (a) critical error(s).)


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