11.1 Adding and Removing Buckets

If the bucket that you specify in the Couchbase profile does not exist, it is created in runtime, i e when accessed in a workflow. This is provided that Admin User Name and Admin Password have been stated in the Management tab.


From Couchbase version 5.0, buckets no longer use bucket-level passwords and you must access the bucket using a user and password that you must create in the Couchbase Web Console, if it does not already exist. The user must have the same name as the bucket that you want to use in , and you must enter the mandatory password as the bucket password, which you specify in the Couchbase profile as the Bucket Name and Bucket Password. For further information on the Couchbase profile, see 8.5 Couchbase Profile.

You can also add and remove buckets in the Couchbase Web Console.

Creating Buckets in the Couchbase Web Console

To create a bucket in the Couchbase Web Console:

  1. In the Dashboard, select Buckets.

  2. Click the Add Bucket button.

    The Add Data Bucket dialog is displayed.

    Create a Couchbase bucket

  3. Enter a name for the bucket, and enter the settings you want to have for the bucket. For further information about these settings, see http://docs.couchbase.com.

  4. Click the Add Bucket button.

The bucket is created, the dialog closes, and you return to the Dashboard where you can see the new bucket listed on Buckets page.

Editing Buckets in the Couchbase Web Console

To edit a bucket in the Couchbase Web Console:

  1. In the Dashboard, select Buckets.

  2. Click the bucket that you want to edit. 

    The settings for the bucket are displayed.

    Edit a Couchbase bucket

  3. Click the Edit button. 

    The Edit Bucket Settings dialog opens. 

    Edit bucket settings

  4. You can now edit the bucket's settings for Memory Quota, Ejection Method, Bucket Priority, Auto-Compaction, and Flush. For further information about these settings, see http://docs.couchbase.com.

  5. Click the Save Changes when you are finished. 
    Your changes are saved, the dialog closes, and you return to the Dashboard.

Removing Buckets in the Couchbase Web Console

To remove a bucket in the Couchbase Web Console:

  1. In the Dashboard, select Buckets.

  2. Click the bucket that you want to remove. 
    The settings for the bucket are displayed.

  3. Click the Delete button. 
    You get a warning saying that all data will be deleted for the selected bucket.

  4. Click the Delete Bucket button to confirm. The bucket is deleted.

Ephemeral buckets support


Couchbase does not allow to change bucket type after the creation, so if you want to use Ephemeral buckets you must create them before running the workflow. 


You do not need to change anything in the couchbase profile and settings to use Ephemeral buckets. 

However, uses Couchbase secondary indexes, so if you use Ephemeral buckets the Index Storage Mode should be set to memory-optimized

A secondary index can be saved in either of the two ways: memory-optimized or standard, otherwise the following error will be thrown when trying to create a secondary index:

Error example

{"msg":"GSI CreateIndex() - cause: Ephemeral Buckets Must Use MOI Storage\n","code":5000}

Memory-optimized index-storage is only available in Couchbase Server Enterprise Edition.

Ephemeral buckets are not saved to disk, they are retained in RAM only, however the Couchbase buckets stores data both in memory and on disk.
The following settings are different for Ephemeral buckets in Couchbase:

  • Replicas: The Replicate view indexes option is not available for Ephemeral buckets. It is available for Couchbase buckets only.
  • Bucket Priority: Background tasks exclude disk I/0, since this is not applicable to Ephemeral buckets.
  • Ejection Method: For Ephemeral buckets the options are: 

    • No ejection

    • NRU ejection


      Ejection when applied to an Ephemeral bucket means removal of bucket-data from memory without persistence (since ephemeral buckets have no presence on disk).

  • Metadata Purge Interval.

See also https://docs.couchbase.com/server/6.0/learn/buckets-memory-and-storage/buckets.html#couchbase-vs-ephemeral-buckets