1.3 Control Zone
The Control Zone contains the platform and one or more databases. The Platform provides a range of services to other pico processes: The Activation Manager handles all activations of workflow groups. Workflow groups can automatically be activated in one of two ways: The Alarm Manager manages Alarm Raisers and their alarms. The Code Server is required all by all pico-started applications. It is the first server started on the Platform, and it is responsible for maintaining the code repository. The software groups all software code into packages that are inserted into the Code Server repository via the Code Server by using the installation scripts, or the The Event Server handles logging and triggering of entries of informative and error type, which are referred to as Events, within the system. The Event Server receives all events, and hands them out upon requests from various applications. The Group Server activates and manages the workflow groups by: Activating workflow group members Events in the system may be forwarded to any notifier. The mapping is made in the Event Notification Editor window, and is stored and handled by the Notification Server. Services that typically run on SCs can also be configured to run on the Platform. Pico-start is a utility that automatically downloads new code from a repository maintained by the Code Server. A client that is pico-start compliant only needs the code for the pico-start utility. When initializing, it will establish contact with the Code Server and dynamically request the latest version of all code needed. To gain performance, the client will store all code that it downloads on the local file system (in the Pico cache). The next time it initializes, it will compare the code version in the local cache with the code that is stored in the Code Server. If nothing is new, the code in the cache will be used. All the code is not transferred at once. Pico-start will send a request to the server each time the Pico-started client detects a class that it does not have. For example, if a new agent package has been inserted into the system, the next time a workflow Editor window is opened through the Desktop, this new code will be loaded. When an EC or ECSA is started, a synchronization is made and the latest The software groups all software code into packages that are inserted into the Code Server repository via the Code Server by using the installation scripts, or the Command Line Tool mzsh. Each package is keyed by a name. The name and a version name are encapsulated in the package file together with code, images, property files etc. When a package is inserted, the package name is used to determine if the package already exists in the Code server or not. Note! If the package is already present, the existing code will be replaced completely with the code from the inserted package, regardless of the package version. The package vendor is free to use the version name in order to identify the package version. Preferably, the version should relate to the official version of the code. The version name is a plain string. The installed packages and their versions may be viewed in the About window displayed when the About... option is selected in the menu in Desktop. About MediationZone The code in the Code Server is stored on three different levels: This is code related to the core Platform, including some user interface plug-ins, for example, the Development Toolkit. Note! Updates made to the code on the Platform level are only propagated to Pico clients when they are restarted. Execution code This is code related to workflow agents, APL plug-ins, Tasks, and Events. Updates made to the code on the execution level are propagated to clients on demand. This is code that is automatically generated by user configuration. This includes implementation code for Ultra formats and APL scripts. Data that is persisted by the Platform is partially stored in the file system and partially in one or more databases. The supported database types are Derby, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SAP HANA. Derby is embedded in the system while Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SAP HANA are installed separately. The following are stored in the database(s): When you install a Platform container, using Derby, the data listed above will be split across multiple databases. When you are using Oracle, PostgreSQL or SAP HANA the data will be stored in one database.Platform
Server Description Activation Manager Alarm Manager Audit Log The Audit Log is a server that receives audit log information from workflows that are running and feeds this information to the corresponding audit tables for different databases. Code Server mzsh
command line tool. When receiving requests from pico-started clients, the Code Server will hand over the latest version of all the code needed for execution.Event Server Group Server
Coordinating the workflow group members' timing and load Management Utilities Management Utilities handles miscellaneous database-related operations, such as framework persistence configuration management and caching of database meta data. Notification Server Reference Manager Different configurations may be related to each other. For example, an agent may depend on a format or a database profile. The Reference Manager keeps track of all such relations. Statistics Manager System Log Workflow Server The Workflow Server loads all workflow data, both referential and configurational, upon workflow activation. It is also responsible for making sure that a workflow is up and running. Pico-start
file will be automatically downloaded from the Platform if there is a new version available. For more information, please refer to the section MZ_HOME/lib
.Software Packages
Code Environment