8.11.6 AWS S3 Support for External Reference Profile

You can access the properties file stored on an Amazon Web Service S3 bucket. Selecting the S3 properties file option from the External Reference Type drop-down menu. This opens additional properties to be configured. These properties pertain to the connection details and location of the External Reference file that sits in the Amazon Web Service S3 bucket.

External Reference profile dialog - S3 Properties File


External Reference Type

From the drop-down list select the External Reference source type.

The following types are available:

  • S3 Properties File - A file on an Amazon Web Service S3 bucket
  • Properties File - A file on the Platform Container host
  • Environment Variable -  Exported environment variables from the Platform's startup shell

Use IAM Roles and Policies

Enabling this checkbox will allow the user to utilize the AWS Identity and Access Management credentials to access the S3 bucket. The platform acquires the IAM credentials from an AWS configuration file, created using the AWS CLI command.

Secret Key

The secret key for the S3 bucket is part of the connection credentials.

Access Key

The access key for the S3 bucket is part of the connection credentials.

The region that the S3 bucket is located in.
Bucket NameThe name of the S3 bucket.
File Path NameEnter the path and name of the properties file.

Local Key

The name/key assigned to the External Reference in the system.

Properties File Key

The name of the External Reference in the properties file or environment variable.


The current value of the External Reference in the properties file or environment variable. To update the value from the Properties file, use the Refresh button. If values are not displayed, make sure that a properties file is available in the specified path or that the environment variables are set.


Environment variables that are set after the Platform starts are not available in the External Reference profile.