9.4 Database Bulk Functions
The Database Bulk functions enable you to bundle multiple queries into one SQL statement. This significantly improves the throughput due to reduced need of context switching and network traversals. The functions are intended for batch usage only.
Making an SQL Query
When making an SQL query it must follow a certain format and the order of the columns in the query must remain the same in the statement as in the where_clause
Example - Statement example
Select A,B,C from Test_Table
The where_clause
argument for the sqlBulkPrepareStatement
. For further information, see the section below, sqlBulkPrepareStatement.
A=? and B=? and C=?
The function adds a "WHERE" to the end of the statement and an "AND" between the static_where_clause
and the where_clause
statements. An "OR" is added between each where_clause
The lookup SQL query next shows one static_where_clause
and two where_clause
Select A,B,C FROM Test_Table WHERE (A=? and B=? and C=?) AND ((A=? and B=? and C=?) OR (A=? and B=? and C=?))
If the where_clause
in the SQL statement contains a range condition instead of an exact lookup key, the intended result cannot directly be associated back to the UDRs. Instead a result based on the significant columns will be returned. The result rows matching the range condition must be associated back to the UDRs using APL code. For further information, see the lookup query example below.
This function prepares the the query. A JDBC connection is created and the bulkSize
is set.
The returned object is a mandatory parameter to the sqlBulkExecuteQuery()
function and is needed for the execution of the lookup SQL query.
any sqlBulkPrepareStatement (string dbProfile , string statement , string static_where_clause , //set to null if not present string where_clause , int bulkSize , int significantColumns , int totalColumns , int timeout , //Optional boolean disableCommit , //Optional)
Parameter | Description |
| Name of the database where the table resides |
| Statement to send to the database |
| The static_where_clause of the SQL statement stays the same throughout the batch mode execution |
| The where_clause of the SQL statement principal. The where_clause columns that are to be considered significant must correspond with the columns in the select statement. For example, when statement reads "select A, B and C from X", where A and B is significant, the where_clause must begin with "A=? and B=?". |
| The size of the bundled lookup SQL query, that is the number of UDRs with a unique UDR key to be bundled. The ideal |
| This parameter indicates which columns in the select statement are significant to tie a result row to its context (UDR). All columns to be used as significant columns must be included in SQL search condition, and they must be used in the same order as in the search condition. For example, when using an incoming UDR as context and a search condition matching its IMSI field, using significant columns = 1 ties all matching rows to this UDR, namely, all rows with the same IMSI as that carried by the UDR. |
| The total number of columns in the statement |
| The least time interval, in milliseconds, the workflow will allow before a database bulk lookup will be done |
disableCommit | An optional parameter to disable the commit statement from being performed at the end of every SQL transaction for this particular function. Setting this parameter to false will result in the commit statement to be performed at the end of every SQL transaction for this particular function. By default, the system will have the disableCommit set to true unless otherwise changed via this parameter. It should be noted that on recent Oracle versions, the DBLink SQL transaction behaviour has changed, where every single SQL statement for remote database transaction requires a commit or rollback statement in order to close a connection. In addition, PostgreSQL users should set this to false as every statement needs to be committed. |
Returns: | The returned object is a “Prepared Statement” object containing the added parameters, a prepared result list and a maintained contexts list. This object is a mandatory parameter to the |
Example - Lookup query
Lookup query with one of the where_clause
conditions without an exact lookup key.
To prepare a query:
SELECT Column1, Column2, Column3 FROM Test_Table WHERE Column1=? AND Column2=? AND Column3 <=?;
The call to the function and the values for the above example:
significantColumns = 2 totalColumns = 3 where_clause = "Column1=? and Column2=? and Column3 <=?" static_where_clause = null bulksize = 100 dbprofile = "myFolder.myProfile" statement = "select Column1, Column2, Column3 from Test_Table"
The call to the APL function:
initialize { any pStatement = sqlBulkPrepareStatement("myFolder.myProfile", "select Column1, Column2, Column3 from Test_Table", null, "Column1=? and Column2=? and Column3 <=?", 100, 2,3); }
When a UDR enters sqlBulkExecuteQuery
the first met criteria of bulkSize
or timeout
triggers the database bulk lookup.
The start of the timeout interval will be reset when a database query is done regardless if the last query was due to reached bulkSize
or timeout
Next timeout occasion is calculated by adding the time of the last database lookup to the current timeout
list <any> sqlBulkExecuteQuery(any ps, any context , any value1, any value2, ...)
Parameter | Description |
| The object returned from a call to the |
| A context string, usually the UDR routed to the node |
| A number of values to populate the query |
Returns: | A list containing objects that in their turn contains a context object and a result list. This object is a mandatory parameter to the |
Example - Using sqlBulkExecuteQuery
The call to the function and the values for the example above, Example - Lookup Query:
ps = pStatement object from sqlBulkPrepareStatement() context = myUDR values = myValues1, myValue2, myValue3
Call to the APL function:
consume{ list <any> result = sqlBulkExecuteQuery(pStatement, myUDR, 10,2,3); }
The function executes the SQL query before the bulkSize
is reached.
list <any> sqlBulkDrain(any ps)
Parameter | Description |
| A |
Returns: | A list containing objects that in their turn contain a context object and a list with results. |
The function finds the context object from one result object in the list returned either by the sqlBulkExecuteQuery()
or the sqlBulkDrain()
any sqlBulkResultGetContext(any presult)
Parameter | Description |
| A result object from the list returned by the |
Returns: | The context object associated with the |
The function states the size of a result object in the list returned from the sqlBulkExecuteQuery()
or the sqlBulkDrain()
int sqlBulkResultGetSize(any presult)
Parameter | Description |
| A result object from the list returned by the |
Returns: | An integer representing the size of the result |
The function gets a result value from a result object in the list returned by either the sqlBulkExecuteQuery()
or the sqlBulkDrain()
any sqlBulkResultGetValue(any presult, int index, int column)
Parameter | Description |
| A result object from the list returned by the |
| The index of the result table |
| The column number |
Returns: | The value of the result object |
This function accumulates the time of the execution of the database queries that is end time of execution minus start time of execution.
long sqlBulkElapsedNanoTime()
Parameter | Description |
Returns: | A long integer representing the accumulated nanoseconds. |
The function closes down the database connection as well as the SQL statement. If the sqlBulkClose
is not called the connection will be closed when the workflow stops.
void sqlBulkClose(any ps )
Parameter | Description |
| A preparedStatement object returned by the |
Returns: | Nothing |
Example Workflow
The example shows a basic workflow where a Database Bulk lookup with a range condition is performed.
Example workflow
To use the sqlBulk related APL commands there must be a database profile configuration prepared. For further information, see 8.6 Database Profile in the Desktop user's guide.
Database profile example
Decoder_1 Agent
The incoming UDRs contains name and number to 10 people.
Katerine,Stenberg,0046123456 Kalle,Andersson,0046789123 Mia,Karlsson,0046999111 Karina,Hansson,0046222333 PerErik,Larsson,0046111999 Mikael,Grenkvist,0046333444 Jonas,Bergsten,0046555666 Petra,Sjoberg,0046777888 Karl,Kvistgren,0046444555 FiaLotta,Bergman,0046666222
Analysis_1 Agent
The Analysis agent does the database bulk lookup. In this case, the number of calls made by the people listed in the incoming UDRs.
When the bulksize is reached (in this case 10) the query to the database selected in the database profile is made.
// A preparedStatement object any pStatementObj; // Default.ExampleTable - the name of the database profile initialize { pStatementObj = sqlBulkPrepareStatement( "Default.ExampleTable", "SELECT first_name, last_name, telephone_no, usage_min FROM EXAMPLE_TABLE", null, "first_name=? and last_name=? and telephone_no=? ", 10, 3, 4); } consume { debug("In consume adding queries to the bulk execute"); processResults( sqlBulkExecuteQuery( pStatementObj, input, input.first_name, input.last_name, input.telephoneno)); } drain { processResults( sqlBulkDrain (pStatementObj)); } void processResults( list <any> resultList ) { if( resultList == null ) { // Do nothing return; } int i=0; // Iterate the results returned from the database while( i < listSize( resultList )) { any result = listGet( resultList, i ); i=i+1; // A string to populate with results from the database query string myTotalValue; int resultSize = sqlBulkResultGetSize(result); // At end of the iteration the myTotalValue will contain a // comma separated usageMin value string with values meeting int index = 0; while(index < resultSize){ // Populate myTotalValue with result if it met range condition int usageMinValue = (int) sqlBulkResultGetValue(result, index, 3); // In this test the range condition is set to a constant value. if( usageMinValue >= 10 ){ myTotalValue = myTotalValue+","+usageMinValue; } index = index +1; } InternalUDR iUdr = (InternalUDR) sqlBulkResultGetContext( result ); // Assign the populated array to the usageMin iUdr.usagemin = myTotalValue; udrRoute( iUdr ); } }
The database lookups are in this example done in a database table with a content shown here:
Database Table
Encoder_1 Agent
When the encoder has encoded the information from the analysis agent the result sent to the disk out agent is shown here:
Katerine,Stenberg,46123456,,10,10 Kalle,Andersson,46789123,,10 Mia,Karlsson,46999111,,10 Karina,Hansson,46222333,,10 PerErik,Larsson,46111999,,11,11 Mikael,Grenkvist,46333444,,10 Jonas,Bergsten,46555666,,10 Petra,Sjoberg,46777888,,10 Karl,Kvistgren,46444555,,10 FiaLotta,Bergman,46666222,,10