
MediationZone offers the possibility to archive data batches for a configurable period of time. The Archiving agent can be configured to send all data batches it receives to be archived. Each data batch is saved as a file in a specified repository with a corresponding reference to the file in the database. The Archive Inspector offers the possibility of browsing and purging these files.  

Example of Archiving agent saving files in predefined repository

Depending on the selected profile, the archive services are responsible for naming and storing each file and to purge outdated files on a regular basis. Using the directory templates and base directories specified in the Archive profile window, directory structures are dynamically built when files are stored. It is up to the administrator of the system to define which structure is suitable for each profile. E.g. should the directory structure be changed on a daily basis, should it change based on collecting node name etc. The archive services will automatically create all directories it needs below the base directories.

Each Archiving agent can be configured to use a separate archive profile for its files, containing information about the target directory and the removal of stored files.  

In the example below, a workflow is using Archiving agents to store input and output.

Example of a workflow utilizing Archiving agents to store data batches

The example below shows:

  • An Archive profile configuring the base directory, dynamic directory template and the time to keep files in archive.

  • An Archiving agent configuration where an archiving profile is selected, dynamic MIM values are mapped to the Directory Template structure and selected MIM values are logged in the Archive Inspector.

Examples of Archive profile and agent configurations

Archive Inspection with its search functionality can be used to search for files for a specified period, in order to redistribute the files to downstream system(s). The figure below is an example of the Archive inspector.

Searching for archived files from Archive inspector