Event Notifications Menus and Buttons(4.3)

The contents of the menus in the menu bar may change depending on which configuration type that has been opened in the currently displayed tab.

The menu items that are specific for Event Notification configurations are described in the following sections.

Event Notification Menus

The Edit Menu

Event Categories

To define an Event Category, to send any kind of information to a Column. Refer to Event Category for further information.

External References

To Enable External References in an agent profile field. Refer to the section Enabling External References in an Agent Profile Field in External Reference (3.0) for further information.


If you update the properties file used by the External References file, and resave the External References profile, you will also have to resave the Event Notification configuration for the changes to take effect.

Event Notification Buttons

The contents of the button panel may change depending on which configuration type that has been opened in the currently displayed tab. The Event Notification configuration uses the standard buttons that are visible for all configurations.