usage: wfgroupmodify -group <name> (-memberwf <wf> | -membergrp <grp>) [-prereqwf <wf> ...] [-prereqgrp <grp> ...] [q]
This command enables you to modify the prerequisites list for an entry in a workflow group.
The workflow group name and workflow group member name are required parameters. Only one workflow group member at a time can be modified by the command.
Options | Description |
[-group <group name>] | Enter the name of the workflow group that you want to modify. |
(-memberwf wf | -membergrp GRP) | Enter the name of the member that you want to modify, either a workflow or a workflow group. |
[-prereqwf wf...] | Enter a list of workflows that the prerequisites list should include. Note!Excluding this parameter sets the workflow prerequisites list of the workflow group to be empty. |
[-prereqgrp grp...] | Enter a list of workflow groups that the prerequisites list should include. Note!Excluding this parameter sets the workflow-groups prerequisites list of the workflow group to be empty. |
[q] | Quiet mode. Use this parameter to eliminate the display of any report during execution. |
Example - Workflow Packages
A group with workflows inside a package or several prerequisites in a package as shown respectively:
$ mzsh mzadmin/dr wfgroupmodify -group XE-7088.GroupOfPackageWFs -memberwf testworkflows_1.0@XE-7088.AsciiProcessingWF.workflow_1 -prereqwf testworkflows_1.0@XE-7088.DiskToArchivingTemplate.workflow_1
Modifying testworkflows_1.0@XE-7088.AsciiProcessingWF.workflow_1
Prerequisites set to
- Workflow testworkflows_1.0@XE-7088.DiskToArchivingTemplate.workflow_1
$ mzsh mzadmin/dr wfgroupmodify -group XE-7088.GroupOfPackageWFs -memberwf testworkflows_1.0@XE-7088.AsciiProcessingWF.workflow_1 -prereqwf testworkflows_1.0@XE-7088.DiskToArchivingTemplate.workflow_2 testworkflows_1.0@XE-7088.DiskToArchivingTemplate.workflow_3 testworkflows_1.0@XE-7088.DiskToArchivingTemplate.workflow_4
Modifying testworkflows_1.0@XE-7088.AsciiProcessingWF.workflow_1
Prerequisites set to
- Workflow testworkflows_1.0@XE-7088.DiskToArchivingTemplate.workflow_2
- Workflow testworkflows_1.0@XE-7088.DiskToArchivingTemplate.workflow_3
- Workflow testworkflows_1.0@XE-7088.DiskToArchivingTemplate.workflow_4
In this example:
The group being modified is named
, inside the folderXE-7088
. The member workflows in this case are both calledworkflow_1
, one belonging to the templateAsciiProcessingWF
and the prerequisite one belonging to the templateDiskToArchivingTemplate
, both located in the folderXE-7088
. And both workflows are part of the packagetestworkflows_1.0.
Above example sets workflow_2, workflow_3 and workflow_4. If you previously had workflow_1 as prerequisite as in the previous example, that would be replaced. This means that any prerequisites you want to set all have to be specified in the same run.
You cannot modify a workflow group if it is part of a package and this is the reason that the
is not inside the package.
Return Codes
Listed below are the different return codes for the wfgroupmodify
Code | Description |
0 | Will be returned if the command was successful. |
1 | Will be returned if the command was unsuccessful. |