Reading the License File (4.3)
To view the product license of an installation, run the following command:
$ kubectl exec -it platform-0 -- /bin/bash
$ echo $MZ_LICENSE_KEY|base64 -d | gunzip
Below are some important information in the license file
<license name="<CUSTOMER-NAME>_<ProductVersion>_<LicenseType>" product="pe">
<criteria attribute="database.type" value="multi"/>
<criteria attribute="" value="2030-01-01 23:59"/>
<criteria attribute="license.type" value="PROD"/>
<criteria attribute="" value="true"/>
<criteria attribute="" value="Acme Corp"/>
<licenseditem identity="pf:mz.ultra.avro"/>
<licenseditem identity="pf:mz.decoder_avro"/>
Line 1 - license name
consists of the customer name, product version and license type.
Line 3 -
the date of license expiration.
Line 4 - license.type
Will have either “PROD
” or “DEMO
” as value.
A system with the
license type will stop running when the license expiration date is reached.A system with the
license type will continue running when the license expiration date is reached.
There will be license violation messages in the System Logs.The license file will be checked during platform start up and at least once per day to determine the validity of the current license.
Line 7 and beyond
The licensed items included in the product license.