Reading the License File (4.3)

To view the product license of an installation, run the following command:

$ kubectl exec -it platform-0 -- /bin/bash $ echo $MZ_LICENSE_KEY|base64 -d | gunzip

Below are some important information in the license file

<license name="<CUSTOMER-NAME>_<ProductVersion>_<LicenseType>" product="pe"> <criteria attribute="database.type" value="multi"/> <criteria attribute="" value="2030-01-01 23:59"/> <criteria attribute="license.type" value="PROD"/> <criteria attribute="" value="true"/> <criteria attribute="" value="Acme Corp"/> <licenseditem identity="pf:mz.ultra.avro"/> <licenseditem identity="pf:mz.decoder_avro"/> ...

Line 1 - license name consists of the customer name, product version and license type.
Line 3 - the date of license expiration.
Line 4 - license.type Will have either “PROD” or “DEMO” as value.

  • A system with the DEMO license type will stop running when the license expiration date is reached.

  • A system with the PROD license type will continue running when the license expiration date is reached.
    There will be license violation messages in the System Logs.

  • The license file will be checked during platform start up and at least once per day to determine the validity of the current license.

Line 7 and beyond

  • licenseditem The licensed items included in the product license.