Helm Values (4.2)
Helm Values (4.2)
These are the helm values supported in this release of Usage Engine Private Edition.
## Default values for Usage Engine Private Edition.
## This is a YAML-formatted file.
## Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
## Pure documentation comments are prefixed with ## (double hash)
## Commented out values are prefixed with # (single hash)
## Supported environments are on-premise, aws, gcp, oci and azure
environment: on-premise
## The domain value is used when a hostname ingress is configured.
#domain: my.domain.com
## The region that the kubernetes cluster belongs to
#region: west1
## Service Account used to apply the objects
#serviceAccountName: default
## Whether this installation is part of a multi-tenant installation or not.
## Please refer to the InfoZone documentation on the topic of Multi Tenancy for details.
multiTenant: false
## If the container images shall be pulled from a private registry,
## then uncomment this section and specify the name of the secret
## containing the credentials for that registry.
#- name: regcred
## Performance metrics are generated and exposed by default.
## Monitor resources (PodMonitor / ServiceMonitor) are setup automatically if those resource definitions exist in the cluster,
## thereby making the metrics automatically discoverable by your Prometheus resource.
## Set the label(s) required by your Prometheus resource. If any.
## For details refer to the serviceMonitorSelector.matchLabels and podMonitorSelector.matchLabels fields in the Prometheus documentation:
## https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/main/Documentation/api.md
labels: {}
## Set to true to force roll of all deployments and statefulsets in this chart
forceRoll: false
## Enables namespace if you have multiple Usage Engine Private Edition installations in multiple namespaces in EKS/GKE cluster
## When setting global.namespace.enabled to false:
## - Resulting domain name to be <function>.<domain name>, e.g. desktop-online.uepe-eks.example.com
## - [postgres | oracle | saphana].db as per value
## When setting global.namespace.enabled to true:
## - "-<namespace>" will be added into domain name, resulting <function>-<namespace>.<domain name>, e.g. desktop-online-namespace1.uepe-eks.example.com
## - If [postgres | oracle | saphana].db is empty, a suffix "<namespace>" will be added to [postgres | oracle | saphana].db value, e.g. namespace1
## Note that if you are using GCP managed certificate, before enable this property you need to remove the existing certificate
enabled: false
## The name of the nginx ingress controller service, this was used by the alb ingress resource
serviceName: "{{ .Release.Name }}-ingress-nginx-v4-controller"
enabled: false
codeserver: info
jetty: 'off'
others: warn
## Legacy configuration to expose metrics for scraping by prometheus.
## This is deprecated in favor of using the automatic service discovery capabilites of the prometheus stack.
## Refer to the global.metrics values.
## Set to true to expose platform metrics for scraping by prometheus.
enabled: false
## The port on which the platform metrics are exposed.
port: 8888
## Format can be "json" or "raw". Default is "raw"
format: raw
## Pattern is only for raw format, refer to log4j standard
pattern: '%d: %5p: %m%n'
## Paste the license key here, otherwise use the option '--set-file licenseKey=<licenseKey_file>' when running helm install.
licenseKey: ' '
## Timezone MediationZone should run as, e.g. 'Europe/Stockholm'
timezone: UTC
## Schedule downtime for all ECDs for the purpose of cold backup.
## The time when the downtime shall begin. Needs to be specified on crontab format.
#from: "0 3 * * *"
## The time when the downtime shall end. Needs to be specified on crontab format.
#until: "10 3 * * *"
enabled: false
## A manually managed Persistent Volume and Claim
## If defined, the PVC must be created manually before the volume will be bound
## The value is evaluated as a template, so, for example, the name can depend on .Release or .Chart
## If existingClaim is not defined, it will fallback to a bundled PVC based on the current environment.
## Currently only aws environment has a bundled PVC associated with it.
## The amount of storage to request. Default is 1Gi.
#storageRequest: "10Gi"
## See https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes/#access-modes for the available access modes.
## aws default is "ReadWriteMany", others default to "ReadWriteOnce".
#accessModes: []
## Specify the storage class to be used in the bundled PVC.
## If this is not set, default storage class name will be used. aws defaults to "aws-efs".
annotations: {}
labels: {}
replicaCount: 1
repository: 462803626708.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/usage-engine-private-edition
tag: 4.2.0
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
## Add/override jvm arguments
- XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m
- Xms256m
- Xmx2g
## Add/override system properties
## It is possible to refer to another system property by wrapping it in ${...}
#- someotherprop=${mz.home}/someothervalue
## Platform init container resources
## Set this if you need to specify resource requests and/or limits
## Reference: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/
resources: {}
## derby, postgresql, oracle or saphana
type: derby
## The credentials of the jdbc user. I.e. the user that is used in runtime to connect to the system database.
## It is not recommended to provide the password in this way since it is a potential security risk.
## Refer to the Bootstrapping System Credentials section in the installation guide on InfoZone for additional information about this.
jdbcUser: mzadmin
#jdbcPassword: bXo=
## Keystore is stored in /opt/mz/persistent/keys even if persistence is disabled.
enabled: false
## Method to provide certificate.
## Supported values are:
## 'certManager' - Generation and renewal of cert is managed by cert-manager (needs to be installed separately).
## 'secret' - A keystore is manually stored in a K8s secret with the specified name
## 'key' A self signed certificate is generated and stored on disk - this is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
public: key
## Used when "platform.tls.cert.public=certManager" to automate certificate management using cert-manager
## Requires an Issuer or ClusterIssuer to be created separately
## See details in https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UEPE4D/pages/107217404/Bootstrapping+System+Certificates+and+Secrets+-+Private+Cloud+4.0
# public:
# issuer:
# name: letsencrypt-prod
# kind: ClusterIssuer
## This value is deprecated, please use global.domain instead.
## domain: xxx.xxx.xxx
## Used when "platform.tls.cert.public=secret" to configure manually provisioned keystore and certificate
## See details in https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UEPE4D/pages/107217404/Bootstrapping+System+Certificates+and+Secrets+-+Private+Cloud+4.0
# public:
# name: mz-cert
## Uncomment if credentials are not already provided through secret "env-secrets"
## Note that when cert-manager is used, password and storepassword must have the same values!
#password: RGVmYXVsdEtleXN0b3JlUFdE
#storepassword: RGVmYXVsdEtleXN0b3JlUFdE
alias: certificate
## Platform container resources
## Set this if you need to specify resource requests and/or limits
## Reference: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/manage-resources-containers/
resources: {}
## If the platform takes a very long time to start it
## might get restarted because the thresholds have been reached.
## If a pod does not reach ready state (readiness probe success) it will be restarted.
## If a pod's liveness probe fails for X times, the pod will be restarted.
initialDelaySeconds: 300
periodSeconds: 15
timeoutSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 5
timeoutSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 120
## Node, affinity, tolerations for pod assignment
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#taints-and-tolerations-beta-feature
nodeSelector: {}
affinity: {}
tolerations: []
annotations: {}
type: NodePort
- name: http
port: 9000
#nodePort: 30900 # Use this to explicitly set the external port
targetPort: 9000
protocol: TCP
- name: rcp
port: 6790
#nodePort: 30679 # Use this to explicitly set the external port
targetPort: 6790
protocol: TCP
## Use the configMaps field to mount configuration files
## like external references files
## into /opt/mz/etc
#- file: extrefs.txt
# data: |
# parameter1=value1
# parameter2=value2
## Metrics configuration specific to the platform.
## Relabeling to apply to the platform podMonitor resource.
## Need to be given as an array of RelabelConfig.
## Refer to the prometheus documentation for details:
## https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/main/Documentation/api.md
relabelings: []
## Defines additional secret mounts. Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
extraSecretMounts: []
#- name: secret-files
# mountPath: /etc/secrets
# subPath: ""
# secretName: my-secret-files
# readOnly: true
## Defines additional config map mounts. Config maps must be manually created in the namespace.
extraConfigmapMounts: []
#- name: my-configmap
# mountPath: /etc/config
# subPath: ""
# configMap: my-configmap
# readOnly: true
## Extra general purpose volume mounts
extraVolumeMounts: []
#- name: example
# mountPath: /example
## Extra general purpose volumes
extraVolumes: []
#- name: example
# emptyDir: {}
## Optional sidecar containers.
## The items in this list must be specified according the Kubernetes Container API.
sidecars: []
#- name: example
# image: example/example
# imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# resources: {}
# ports:
# - name: example
# containerPort: 8080
# protocol: TCP
# env:
# - name: EXAMPLE
# value: example
# volumeMounts:
# - name: example
# mountPath: /example
## The PostgreSQL database administrator username.
## Only required if the Usage Engine Private Edition system database is to be automatically created.
## Refer to the System Database section in the installation guide on InfoZone additional information about this.
adminUsername: postgres
## The PostgreSQL database administrator password.
## Only required if the Usage Engine Private Edition system database is to be automatically created.
## Refer to the System Database section in the installation guide on InfoZone for additional information about this.
## Also, it is not recommended to provide the password in this way since it is a potential security risk.
## Refer to the Bootstrapping System Credentials section in the installation guide on InfoZone for additional information about this.
#adminPassword: dGVzdA==
## The password of the mzowner user. I.e. the user that is the owner of the system database schema.
## It is not recommended to provide the password in this way since it is a potential security risk.
## Refer to the Bootstrapping System Credentials section in the installation guide on InfoZone for additional information about this.
#mzownerPassword: bXpwb3N0Z3Jlcw==
## If postgres.db is set, db name will be created as per value
## Else if global.namespace.enabled is true and env is "aws/gcp/oci/azure", default to mz<namespace>, e.g. mznamespace1
## Else default to "mz"
port: 5432
host: postgresql
## The SAP HANA database administrator username.
## Only required if the Usage Engine Private Edition system database is to be automatically created.
## Refer to the System Database section in the installation guide on InfoZone additional information about this.
adminUsername: SYSTEM
## The SAP HANA database administrator password.
## Only required if the Usage Engine Private Edition system database is to be automatically created.
## Refer to the System Database section in the installation guide on InfoZone for additional information about this.
## Also, it is not recommended to provide the password in this way since it is a potential security risk.
## Refer to the Bootstrapping System Credentials section in the installation guide on InfoZone for additional information about this.
#adminPassword: dGVzdA==
## The name of the Usage Engine Private Edition system database.
db: MZ
## The port that will be used in runtime for jdbc connections towards the Usage Engine Private Edition system database.
jdbc: 39041
## The port that will be used by the hdbsql client when first creating the Usage Engine Private Edition system database.
hdbsql: 39013
## The host of the SAP HANA database service.
host: saphana
## The name of the SAP HANA System Database
systemDb: SYSTEMDB
## The SAP HANA instance number
instance: 90
## The Oracle database administrator username.
## Only required if the Usage Engine Private Edition system database is to be automatically created (only supported for Oracle Expresse Edition - see the expressEdition value below).
## Refer to the System Database section in the installation guide on InfoZone additional information about this.
adminUsername: sys
## The Oracle database administrator password.
## Only required if the Usage Engine Private Edition system database is to be automatically created (only supported for Oracle Expresse Edition - see the expressEdition value below).
## Refer to the System Database section in the installation guide on InfoZone additional information about this.
## Also, it is not recommended to provide the password in this way since it is a potential security risk.
## Refer to the Bootstrapping System Credentials section in the installation guide on InfoZone for additional information about this.
#adminPassword: T3JhY2xlMTg=
## The password of the mzowner user. I.e. the user that is the owner of the system database schema.
## It is not recommended to provide the password in this way since it is a potential security risk.
## Refer to the Bootstrapping System Credentials section in the installation guide on InfoZone for additional information about this.
#mzownerPassword: ZHI=
## The oracle home. Needs to correspond to the ORACLE_HOME env var on the database server.
## Not required when using Oracle Expresse Edition (see the expressEdition value below).
## The host and domain of the database server.
host: oracle18xe
## The port.
port: 1521
## The name of the database. Translates to the SID (or pluggable database name if using Oracle Expresse Edition).
db: MZ
## The database size (small, medium or large).
size: small
## The path where the data files should be located.
data: /opt/oracle/oradata/XE
## Set to true when using an Oracle Express Edition (XE) installation. Only for dev/test purposes.
expressEdition: true
## The Oracle client version to use. Should be specified on <major>.<minor> format.
## Currently, only version 19.x is supported.
## Needs to correspond with the basicLiteRpm and sqlPlusRpm values below.
clientVersion: 19.9
## The name of the basic lite rpm file corresponding with the Oracle client version specified above.
## This file will have to be added through an extension image.
## See the documentation on the extensions.* values elsewhere in this values file for further details.
basicLiteRpm: oracle-instantclient19.9-basiclite-
## The name of the sqlplus rpm file corresponding with the Oracle client version specified above.
## This file will have to be added through an extension image.
## See the documentation on the extensions.* values elsewhere in this values file for further details.
sqlPlusRpm: oracle-instantclient19.9-sqlplus-
## Operator deployment.
annotations: {}
labels: {}
## Enable/disable the operator. Setting this to false means the operator related kubernetes resources will not be created.
enabled: true
## Set to false if you do not want to install the CRDs that are part of this helm chart.
## One reason for doing this is in the situation where the user installing the helm chart does not have permissions
## to create/update CRDs in the cluster.
## In this situation a cluster admin will have to manually install/update the CRDs.
## See the documentation for further details.
installCRDs: true
## Set a specific namespace that the operator *listens* on.
## Ie. If you have a non-clusterwide operator it will only act
## on resources deployed to this namespace.
## Defaults to the helm release namespace!
#namespace: operatornamespace
repository: 462803626708.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/usage-engine-private-edition
tag: 4.2.0-operator
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
## The auth proxy protects the /metrics endpoint
enabled: true
enabled: false
## Delegate certificate management to either certManager or internal.
## Selecting certManager requires cert-manager (https://cert-manager.io) to have been deployed priorly.
## Selecting internal means basic self-signed certificate management without auto-renewal.
delegate: certManager
## Node, affinity, tolerations for pod assignment
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#taints-and-tolerations-beta-feature
nodeSelector: {}
affinity: {}
tolerations: []
## Common config for the resources that the operator is managing
## List of common config for the ECDs that the operator manages
## This enables configuring common annotations, labels and serviceAccount on groups of ECDs.
## The grouping is achieved via the nameRegex.
## If you specify that an ECD shall be using a custom serviceAccount here,
## then you need to make sure that it has permissions to perform get and patch operation on the pods/status resource.
## This is an example rule specification to achieve this:
## kind: Role
## apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
## metadata:
## name: my-ecd-role
## rules:
## - apiGroups: [""]
## resources: ["pods/status"]
## verbs: ["get", "patch"]
#- nameRegex: ecd1-.*
# annotations:
# annotation1: some-annotation-value
# annotation2: some-other-annotation-value
# labels:
# label1: some-label-value
# label2: some-other-label-value
# serviceAccount: serviceAccount1
#- nameRegex: ecd2-.*
# annotations:
# annotation3: some-annotation-value
# annotation4: some-other-annotation-value
# labels:
# label3: some-label-value
# label4: some-other-label-value
# serviceAccount: serviceAccount2
## Debug logging for operator
enabled: false
## Should only be changed if deploying to an environment with an offline network
kubeRbacProxyImageRepository: gcr.io/kubebuilder/kube-rbac-proxy
## Resources for the operator pod. Uncomment to use custom resources.
#cpu: 100m
#memory: 300Mi
#cpu: 100m
#memory: 200Mi
## The syncPeriod is the time the operator waits in between each reconcile loop.
## For large systems (i.e. with many ECDs and many workflows) it may be required to
## increase this in order to prevent the reconcile loops from from piling up.
## Default is 300 s.
#syncPeriod: 300s
## The time to wait before requeuing a previously failed reconciliation.
## The value must be a parseable duration (see golang time package).
## Default is 2 seconds.
#requeueAfter: 2s
## The timeout value used when the operator places http requests against the platform as part of the process
## of reconciling workflows.
## If you see errors like "context deadline exceeded" in the operator log when reconciling workflows,
## then you can try to increase this timeout.
httpTimeout: 20s
## The password of the mzk8soperator user.
## This user is used for internal communication between the operator and the platform.
## It is not recommended to provide the password in this way since it is a potential security risk.
## Refer to the Bootstrapping System Credentials section in the installation guide on InfoZone for additional information about this.
## aws setup
## Setup aws load balancers and route53 records for the hosted zones and
## control allowed cidrs to access the platform services
## This value is deprecated, please use global.namespace.enabled instead.
## Enables namespace if you have multiple Usage Engine Private Edition installations in multiple namespaces in EKS cluster
## When setting aws.namespace.enabled to false:
## - Resulting domain name to be <function>.<domain name>, e.g. desktop-online.uepe-eks.example.com
## - [postgres | oracle | saphana].db as per value
## When setting aws.namespace.enabled to true:
## - "-<namespace>" will be added into domain name, resulting <function>-<namespace>.<domain name>, e.g. desktop-online-namespace1.uepe-eks.example.com
## - If [postgres | oracle | saphana].db is empty, a suffix "<namespace>" will be added to [postgres | oracle | saphana].db value, e.g. namespace1
#enabled: false
## The certificate to use for ingress traffic.
## Check the AWS Certificate Manager in the AWS Management Console to find out which certificates that are available.
acm_certificate: arn:aws:acm:eu-west-1:1234567890:certificate/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
## This list of values controls from which network ranges ingress traffic is accepted. Use CIDR notation when setting this value.
## Annotations for the ingress-alb ingress.
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/scheme: internet-facing
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/listen-ports: '[{"HTTP": 80},{"HTTPS": 443}]'
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-policy: "ELBSecurityPolicy-FS-1-2-Res-2019-08"
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/successCodes: "200-404"
alb.ingress.kubernetes.io/success-codes: "200-404"
## This value is deprecated, please use global.ingressController.serviceName instead.
## The name of the ingress controller service to use
#serviceName: "{{ .Release.Name }}-ingress-nginx-v4-controller"
## Annotations for the platform service.
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-scheme: internet-facing
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-ports: "9000,443"
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-negotiation-policy: "ELBSecurityPolicy-TLS-1-2-2017-01"
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-cross-zone-load-balancing-enabled: "True"
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-connection-idle-timeout: "3600"
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-type: external
service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-nlb-target-type: ip
external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl: "60"
## This helm chart sets some aws related annotations by default on the platform service and the ingress-alb ingress.
## If this is not suitable for one reason or another, they can be excluded by adding the annotation name to this list.
excludeDefaultAnnotations: []
## gcp setup
## This helm chart by default is using GCP CRDs (ManagedCertificate, FrontendConfig and BackendConfig) to setting up
## load balancer certificate, ingress HTTP-to-HTTPS redirect and custom health check. If they are not suitable for the setup,
## you can disable them by adding the associated ingress alb or platform service annotation to "gcp.excludeDefaultAnnotations".
## If this is enabled, a Google managed certificate (ManagedCertificate CRD) will be created.
## While the certificate is being provision, the certificate can take a considerable amount of time to be validated.
## Note that the issued certificate will not be overwritten or removed by the subsequent helm chart installation or uninstall.
## To regenerate the certificate, you need to manually delete the ManagedCertificate CRD object and install helm chart again.
enabled: true
name: managed-cert
## Annotations for the ingress-alb ingress.
annotations: {}
## Annotations for the platform service.
cloud.google.com/l4-rbs: "enabled"
external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl: "60"
## This helm chart sets some gcp related annotations by default on the platform service and the ingress-alb ingress.
## If this is not suitable for one reason or another, they can be excluded by adding the annotation name to this list.
excludeDefaultAnnotations: []
enabled: false
id: ocid1.certificate.oc1.eu-frankfurt-1.amaaaaaaqpnxi2aan5gjqfr6jyrdes4wifau2diswdcwtvk25pcvspxmce7a
backendNSG: ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1.eu-frankfurt-1.aaaaaaaa6jjj2fq2mnfzqfna42bwl3md67jxusjyksac5b5tmvkioduitigq
path: /desktop/
port: 0
path: /healthz
port: 0
name: native-ic-ingress-class
secret: lb-cert
backendsetSecret: ca-ser-secret
## Annotations for the ingress-alb ingress.
oci-native-ingress.oraclecloud.com/protocol: "HTTP"
oci-native-ingress.oraclecloud.com/policy: "ROUND_ROBIN"
oci-native-ingress.oraclecloud.com/healthcheck-protocol: "HTTP"
oci-native-ingress.oraclecloud.com/healthcheck-return-code: "200"
## Annotations for the platform service.
oci.oraclecloud.com/load-balancer-type: "lb"
oci.oraclecloud.com/security-rule-management-mode: "NSG"
service.beta.kubernetes.io/oci-load-balancer-shape: "flexible"
service.beta.kubernetes.io/oci-load-balancer-shape-flex-min: "100"
service.beta.kubernetes.io/oci-load-balancer-shape-flex-max: "400"
external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/ttl: "60"
## This helm chart sets some oci related annotations by default on the platform service and the ingress-alb ingress.
## If this is not suitable for one reason or another, they can be excluded by adding the annotation name to this list.
excludeDefaultAnnotations: []
## azure setup
## This helm chart required Azure Application Gateway Ingress Controller (AGIC) to be installed.
## AGIC will convert alb ingress resource to Application Gateway configuration to allow gateway to load-balance traffic to kubernetes pod.
## By default, it is assumed that you have created a tls secret "lb-cert" with the necessary certificate and key for the Application Gateway certificate.
## If you wish to use a certificate that was pre-installed in the gateway, uncomment appgw.certificates.preInstalledCert and specify your cert name.
secret: lb-cert
# certificates:
## If uncommented, it will use the pre-installed cert instead of secret for the Application Gateway certificate.
# preInstalledCert: appgw-installed-certificate
## This section is only required when you are using owned self-signed certificate for Usage Engine Private Edition.
## In this case, you must manually upload the root CA certificate to Application Gateway and specify the cert name.
## See https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/application-gateway/self-signed-certificates for more information.
# trustedRootCert: appgw-trusted-root-certificate
## Annotations for the ingress-alb ingress.
## Refers to https://azure.github.io/application-gateway-kubernetes-ingress/annotations/ to see all available annotations.
annotations: {}
## Annotations for the platform service.
## Refers to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/load-balancer-standard#customizations-via-kubernetes-annotations
## to see all available annotations.
## This helm chart sets some azure related annotations by default on the platform service and the ingress-alb ingress.
## If this is not suitable for one reason or another, they can be excluded by adding the annotation name to this list.
excludeDefaultAnnotations: []
## Configuration of the apps that shall be present on the portal page.
## The portal page is accessible at: http(s)://<desktop online host>/desktop/portal
## If hostname ingress is setup, the $(domain) token can be used to have the domain automatically resolved based on the global.domain value.
- name: Desktop Online
url: https://desktop-online$(domain)
- name: InfoZone
url: https://infozone.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/UEPE4D
- name: mzcli
url: https://platform$(domain)/download/mzcli
- name: Desktop Client
url: https://platform$(domain)/launch/desktop/
- name: Grafana
url: https://grafana$(domain)
- name: Kubernetes Dashboard
url: https://dashboard$(domain)
## Set this to true to enforce stricter password requirements and mandate a password change upon the first login.
enabled: true
## Activate/deactivate Usage Engine Private Edition as OIDC Relying Party
enabled: false
## Available auth methods is CLIENT_SECRET_BASIC and PRIVATE_KEY_JWT
## Client id
id: ""
## Client secret is only used when the method is CLIENT_SECRET_BASIC
## Uncomment if credentials are not already provided through secret "oidc-rp-secret"
#secret: ""
## JWT section only used when method is PRIVATE_KEY_JWT
## Opional ID Provider KeyId
## Name of secret to store jks
## Key Alias
## Key password
## Uncomment if credentials are not already provided through secret "oidc-rp-secret"
## Keystore password
## Uncomment if credentials are not already provided through secret "oidc-rp-secret"
## Base URL for Identity Provider
## URL before /.well-known/openid-configuration
## Eg. https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenant_ID>/v2.0
## Name of Provider, eg. Azure
name: ""
## Path in UserInfo or ID Token to find access groups mapping, separated by dot (.)
## The groups should be a array of Strings.
## *** Exampel ***
## Here is the groups array inside a object.
## { myObject : { myGroups : [ "myGroup1", "mygroup2" ] } }
## The path should then be:
## groupPath: myObject.myGroups
## When the groups array is direct under UserInfo then groupPath is just the
## name of the groups array.
## Disable group syncronization from Identity Provider.
## When this is true groups is set manually on SSO Users
syncDisabled: false
## When Group Sync is disabled a defualt group can be added to users logged in through SSO
defaultGroup: ""
## Claim to use for Username
## Additional scopes
## Set this to true during implementation of SSO Access to get more information.
debug: false
## Activate/deactivate Usage Engine Private Edition as OIDC Identity Provider
enabled: false
## The oidc base url. Needs to be usable by clients to reach the platform webserver.
## The $(domain) token can be used to have the domain automatically resolved based on the global.domain value.
## The default value is set based on the assumption that hostname ingress is used. If not using hostname ingress,
## the value should point to the ip address and port of the desktop app instead.
## Example:
oidcBaseUrl: https://platform$(domain)
## Whether to use helm generated secrets or not.
## When this is true, the client id and client secret for each client in the list of clients below will be auto-generated by helm.
## When this is false, the client id:s and client secrets have to be specified explicitly.
useHelmGeneratedSecrets: true
## List of clients that are granted to use MediationZone as OIDC provider when authenticating
## -----------------------------------------------
## Example client using helm generated secrets
## -----------------------------------------------
#- clientName: Some Application
## The clientId value is just an arbitrary name of the secret in env-secrets that will hold the real clientId.
## Just make sure that it is unique related to any other client id in this list.
## If the secret does not already exists it will be automatically generated.
# clientId: someAppClientId
## The clientSecret value is just an arbitrary name of the secret in env-secrets that will hold the real clientSecret.
## Just make sure that it is unique related to any other client secret in this list.
## If the secret does not already exists it will be automatically generated.
# clientSecret: someAppClientSecret
## The list of roles associated with the client.
## This controls what level of access that can be provisioned for a given client in the Access Controller.
# roles:
# - Editor
# - Viewer
## -----------------------------------------------
## Example client NOT using helm generated secrets
## -----------------------------------------------
#- clientName: Some Application
## The clientId value is expected to be a UUID.
# clientId: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
## The clientSecret value is expected to be a cryptographically secure random.
# clientSecret: 33v1rxwAtBhFTl9SLtQ2lqeCAigN798cUJpZIFFMCz3Nf9PSeVd3ze4MsPMrrNSP
## The list of roles associated with the client.
## This controls what level of access that can be provisioned for a given client in the Access Controller.
# roles:
# - Editor
# - Viewer
## PCC backend configuration.
## Supported production grade storages are Couchbase and Redis.
## The memory/directory storage is only meant for development and testing purposes.
## Set to true to enable the PCC backend configuration.
## In addition to this, an ECDeployment having system property mz.pcc.properties=/etc/pcc/pcc.properties will have to be created.
## This ECDeployment will automatically handle the communication with the PCC backend storage.
enabled: false
## PCC Config Storage Class
# mz.pcc.config.storage.class: com.digitalroute.pcc.storage.config.mysqlc.MySQLClusterStorage
mz.pcc.config.storage.class: com.digitalroute.pcc.storage.config.directory.DirectoryStorage
#mz.pcc.config.storage.class: com.digitalroute.pcc.storage.config.couchbase.CouchbaseConfigStorage
#mz.pcc.config.storage.class: com.digitalroute.pcc.storage.config.redis.RedisConfigStorage
## Directory Config Storage Properties (if used)
mz.pcc.directorystorage.directory: ${mz.home}/tmp/pcc
## PCC Bucket Storage Class
# mz.pcc.bucket.storage.class: com.digitalroute.pcc.buckets.storage.mysqlc.MySQLClusterBucketStorage
mz.pcc.bucket.storage.class: com.digitalroute.pcc.buckets.storage.memory.MemoryBucketStorage
#mz.pcc.bucket.storage.class: com.digitalroute.pcc.buckets.storage.couchbase.CouchbaseBucketStorage
#mz.pcc.bucket.storage.class: com.digitalroute.pcc.buckets.storage.redis.RedisBucketStorage
## Timeout bucket data storage locks (transactions) after timeout milliseconds
mz.pcc.storage.lock.timeout: 3000
## Couchbase Storage Properties (if used)
## The qualified name of the couchbase profile representing the storage area of products and rules.
## The qualified name of the couchbase profile representing the storage area of buckets.
## Redis Storage Properties (if used)
## The qualified name of the redis profile representing the storage area of products and rules.
## The qualified name of the redis profile representing the storage area of buckets.
## MySQL Cluster Storage Properties (if used)
#mz.pcc.storage.mysqlc.port: 1186
#mz.pcc.storage.mysqlc.database: pcc
#mz.pcc.storage.mysqlc.clusterj.retries: 4
#mz.pcc.storage.mysqlc.clusterj.delay: 5
#mz.pcc.storage.mysqlc.clusterj.verbose: 1
#mz.pcc.storage.mysqlc.clusterj.timeout.before: 30
#mz.pcc.storage.mysqlc.clusterj.timeout.after: 20
#mz.pcc.storage.mysqlc.clusterj.max.transactions: 1024
#mz.pcc.storage.mysqlc.clusterj.connection.pool.size: 2
## If the connection to MySQL Cluster is detected as down
## it will try to reconnect
## Set to false to disable reconnect
#mz.pcc.storage.mysqlc.auto.reconnect: true
## If MySQL Cluster key should support string, set this to true and
## make sure to create the commented table schema in pcc_bucket_mysqlc.sql.
#mz.pcc.storage.mysqlc.stringkey: false
## PCC Batch Storage Class (used for Batch Counting)
mz.pcc.batch.storage.class: com.digitalroute.pcc.batch.storage.directory.DirectoryBatchStorage
mz.pcc.batchdirectorystorage.directory: ${mz.home}/tmp/pccbatch
## Toggle for the system log trace (one log per action)
## Valid values are enabled or disabled
#mz.system.log.trace: enabled
enabled: false
# The storage type can be either "file-based" or "database"
type: file-based
# Only used when storage type is "database". PostgreSQL or Oracle DB only
profile-name: <Path.DBProfileName>
poolsize: 8
# Only used when storage type is "file-based"
storage-location: /opt/mz/persistent/auth-server/storage
# HTTP Basic Authentication
enable-basic-auth: true
## Uncomment if credentials are not already provided through secret "authorization-server-secrets"
## If the username does not already exist mzadmin will be the default value.
#username: mzadmin
## If the password does not already exist it will be automatically generated.
# Only RS256, RS384 and RS512 are supported
signature-algorithm: RS256
## Uncomment if credentials are not already provided through secret "authorization-server-secrets"
## Keystore is the base64 encoded string from local keystore file, it can be generated through command below:
## 'base64 -i /path/to/keystore.jks -o keystore_b64Encoded.txt'
# Validity period in seconds for access token generated
access-token-expiry: 1800
## Optionally deploy DTK mzp:s.
## This is done from a custom container image that you need to build and maintain.
## The only requirement on this container image is that it contains one specific folder holding the DTK mzp:s to deploy
## (it needs to be a flat list of mzp:s - i.e. nested folders are not supported).
## This is a minimal Dockerfile example that can be used to build such a container image:
## ----------------------------------------
## FROM alpine:latest
## RUN mkdir -p /opt/my-dtk-mzps/
## COPY $DTK_MZP_DIR/* /opt/my-dtk-mzps/
## ----------------------------------------
## Here the DTK_MZP_DIR argument is expected to be the local folder holding the DTK mzp:s to deploy.
## Using a container image built using the above Dockerfile would mean
## that the dtk.path value should be set to "/opt/my-dtk-mzps".
## The container image containing the DTK mzp:s
#image: <container repo>:<container version>
## The path of the folder within the container image that contains the DTK mzp:s
#path: /opt/my-dtk-mzps
## Values related to desktop online
## Config for the desktop online container image
repository: 462803626708.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/usage-engine-private-edition
tag: 4.2.0-ui
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
## Add/override jvm arguments
- XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=512m
- Xms256m
- Xmx2g
## Add/override system properties
# - someprop=somevalue
## Configure pod resources (limits and/or requests) here if needed
resources: {}
## Allows for the configuration of the liveness and readiness probes respectively
initialDelaySeconds: 300
periodSeconds: 15
timeoutSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 15
timeoutSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 10
## Allows for tying a given ECD to specific node in the cluster.
## Enabling this will result in the necessary ClusterRoles being created.
## If ClusterRoles are not allowed this feature must therefore be disabled.
nodeHostSelectionEnabled: true
## Node, affinity, tolerations for pod assignment
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#nodeselector
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity
## ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#taints-and-tolerations-beta-feature
nodeSelector: {}
affinity: {}
tolerations: []
## Uncomment to set an explicit node port
#nodePort: 30000
## The desktop online web server base url. This is used to locate the desktop online app.
## The $(domain) token can be used to have the domain automatically resolved based on the global.domain value.
## The default value is set based on the assumption that hostname ingress is used. If not using hostname ingress,
## the value should point to the ip address and port of the desktop app instead.
## Example:
baseUrl: https://desktop-online$(domain)
## The kubectl container image repo
## Should only be changed if deploying to an environment with an offline network
repository: "bitnami/kubectl"
## The tag of the kubectl container image
tag: "1.29.3-debian-12-r0"
## Optionally add extensions.
## An extension can be an arbitrary third party product (3pp) such as a jar file, a shared library or any file really.
## This is done via a custom container image that you need to build and maintain.
## The only requirement on this container image is that it contains two specific folders, namely:
## "/opt/uepe/3pp": This folder can be used for adding arbitrary 3pp(s).
## 3pp(s) in the form of jar files that are added to this folder will be added to the runtime classpath automatically.
## "/opt/uepe/jni": This folder must be used for adding shared libraries required for JNI, such as a .so file.
## This is a minimal Dockerfile example that can be used to build such a container image:
## ----------------------------------------
## FROM alpine:latest
## COPY 3pp /opt/uepe/3pp/
## COPY jni /opt/uepe/jni/
## ----------------------------------------
## Here the 3pp and jni folders are expected to be local folders holding the 3pp(s) and shared libraries respectively.
## Note that Usage Engine Private Edition supports both amd64 and arm64 platform architecture.
## When building the extension image, you need to make sure to use the same architecture that Usage Engine Private Edition is running on.
## For more info about building multiple architecture images, please refer to https://docs.docker.com/build/building/multi-platform/.
## Whether to enable extensions or not.
enabled: false
## The container image containing the extensions.
image: my-uepe-extensions:1.0.0
, multiple selections available,
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