Unit Test Runner(4.2)

The Unit Test Runner agent is responsible for running the Unit Test configurations. The Unit Test Runner is available in task workflow configurations and is available when selecting Task as Workflow Type.


The Unit Test Runner contains the following settings:


Test Discovery Query

Select the query the agent should use. Click All to run all Unit Test configurations.

Click Add Folder... to populate the Query field with the text folder="MyFolder". Replace "MyFolder" with the folder name that contains the Unit Tests you want to run. All Unit Tests in the specified folder will be run.

Click Add name..., to select a Unit Test configuration. The Query field is populated with name="<name of folder>.<name of unit test>".

The Query window can contain several criteria as long as the word "or" is specified between each, for example folder="MyFolder" or name="<name of folder>.<name of unit test>".

Report DirectorySpecify the directory where you want to save the results of the unit tests, that is, the report directory. The reports are written to the Execution Context file system in junit XML format.
Interpreter Profile

Select which Interpreter profile to use. If no selection is made the default Python as defined in the Python Manager will be used.