ECS Inspector(4.2)

Initially, the dialog is empty and must be populated with data using the Search ECS dialog. Depending on if the search is done for UDRs or batches the columns in the table will differ. For further information, see Searching the ECS(4.2).

Maximum Number of Displayed UDR Entries

To ensure that the GUI does not have to handle too much data, the maximum number of displayed UDR entries have been set to 100000 UDR entries. However, in the configuration file for the Platform, you can change the maximum number of displayed UDR entries in the ECS Inspector by setting the property in the values.yaml file for the Platform.

If you want to get quicker and smaller search results, for example, you can set this property to a lower value.


If the value of the property is set higher than the default value, it may result in poor performance. Also, note that this property only has effect when UDRs are inspected and not when batches are inspected.

Maximum Number of UDR Entries to Update

To ensure that the Platform, using standard 256 Mb heap size, does not run out of memory, the maximum number of UDR entries to update/delete is limited to 15,000,000 UDR entries. However, this limit is easily increased using a property, by setting the Platform property mz.ecs.max.udr.update in the values.yaml file for the Platform.


When increasing the above default limit, you might have to increase the Platform maximum heap size as well. This is done by changing the -Xmx parameter in the configuration file for the Platform instance. As a general rule, ECS wants another 10 Mb Platform heap space for every additional one million UDRs.

UDR right click menu options

When you have searched for erroneous UDRs, right clicking on the UDR search results will present you with a menu with the following options:

Menu ItemsDescription

Explore UDR...

Displays the UDR dialog presenting the content of the selected UDR(s). The dialog is also displayed if you double-click on a cell in the UDR Type column in the table of entries. In the dialog, the content of the UDR can be changed, except for the field Original Data.

For further information, see Ultra Format(3.0).

Set Tag on UDR(s)...

With this option you can set a tag on selected UDRs. When you have selected the UDR(s) you want to tag and then selected this option, a dialog will open asking you to enter the  Tag Name .

The Tag Name will then be visible in the Tag column in the ECS Inspector.

Clear Tag(s) on UDR(s)...

If you select this option, the tags for the selected UDRs will be removed.

Set State...

Defines the state of a selected number of entries or all entries. Possible states are either New or Reprocessed. ECS entries with the Reprocessed state are normally entries that have been collected by an ECS collection agent. Already processed data can be reset to New to enable recollection. When the state is changed, the timestamp in the Last RP State Change column in the ECS Inspector will be updated. See ECS Changing State(4.2) for more information.


If the number of matches is larger than the maximum number of UDRs to be displayed the state change will still be applied for all matching entries.

Assign to RPG...

Assigns a selected number of entries or all entries to a reprocessing group. Grouped entries can be collected simultaneously by an ECS collection agent.


Assignments to reprocessing groups can be made automatically for each new entry. In order for this to happen, the data must be assigned an Error Code in the workflow, and this Error Code must be mapped to the reprocessing group in the ECS Error Code dialog.

Bulk Edit...

Several UDRs (selected or matched) may be edited simultaneously with the Bulk Editor. The editor displayed from ECS differs slightly from the editor displayed from the UDR dialog, opened for example from the Explore UDR...dialog. The ECS Bulk Editor has a Preview option, which makes it possible to preview the changes prior approving and saving.

When changes have been made you can select to view only the modified entries, only the untouched entries, or all entries in the ECS Inspector.


If the number of matches exceeds the maximum number of entries that can be displayed, it may be a good idea to set up a workflow for editing the entries using APL instead of performing a bulk edit.

When clicking on the Apply Changes button, the Bulk Edit Result dialog will open, displaying modified and untouched entries.

Now you can select if you want to view only modified entries, untouched entries, or all entries in the ECS Inspector by using either of the options  Entire Result Set ,  Modified Only , or  Untouched Only . Click on the View button when you have made your selection.

The selected type of entries will then be displayed in the ECS Inspector. In the top right corner, above the ECS Inspector table, you will see information about what selection you have made, such as Modified Entries from Bulk Edit.


If you want to view the changes before applying them, you can click on the Preview button instead. The Bulk Edit Result - Preview dialog will then open, giving you a preview of the changes that are about to be made. If you are satisfied with the preview, click on the Apply button, and the Bulk Edit Result dialog will open.

For further information about the Bulk Editor, see the Ultra Format(3.0).

Batch right click menu options

When you have searched for erroneous Batch files, right clicking on the search results will present you with a menu with the following options:

Batch menu

Explore Error UDR...

Displays the Error UDR Viewer presenting the content of the Error UDR (if any). The viewer will also be displayed if you double-click on a cell in the Error UDR column in the table of entries.

It is not possible to change the content of an Error UDR.

Set State...

Defines the state of a selected number of entries or all entries. Possible states are either New or Reprocessed. ECS entries with the Reprocessed state are normally entries that have been collected by an ECS collection agent. Already processed data can be reset to New to enable recollection. When the state is changed, the timestamp in the Last RP State Change column in the ECS Inspector will be updated. See ECS Changing State(4.2) for more information.


If the number of matches is larger than the maximum number of UDRs to be displayed the state change will still be applied for all matching entries.

Assign to RPG...

Assigns a selected number of entries or all entries to a reprocessing group. Grouped entries can be collected simultaneously by an ECS collection agent.


Assignments to reprocessing groups can be made automatically for each new entry. In order for this to happen, the data must be assigned an Error Code in the workflow, and this Error Code must be mapped to the reprocessing group in the ECS Error Code dialog.

View Batch...

Displays the selected batch as raw data.