Using External Reference in Agent Profile Fields(4.2)

This section describes how to enable use of External Reference profiles in an agent profile configuration. 

To enable External References: 

  1. Open an agent's profile configuration.

  2. Select External References from the  Edit menu to open the External References dialog.


  3. Select the Enable External Reference check box, and click Browse to select your External Reference profile.

  4. In  the table, select the external reference keys to use by selecting Enable and the External Reference Key field.

  5. Click OK. You have now enabled external references for the selected profile field(s).


You can use External Reference profiles with the following agent profiles:

  • Aggregation

  • Archiving

  • Couchbase

  • Database

  • Duplicate UDR

  • Elasticsearch

  • Inter Workflow

  • Redis

  • Workflow Bridge

For further information see the relevant agent’s section.