Creating a Workflow Group Configuration(4.2)

You create a new workflow group configuration from the Build view of the Desktop User Interface. To open the workflow group configuration, click Build → New Configuration. Select Workflow Group from the Configurations dialog.

To open an existing workflow group configuration, click Build and select the workflow group configuration in the Configuration Browser, or right-click a workflow configuration and then select View Configuration.

A Workflow Group configuration

Workflow Group Buttons

The contents of the button panel may change depending on the opened which configuration type in the currently displayed tab. There is a set of standard buttons that are visible for all configurations and these buttons are described in the .





Lets you include or exclude the following from the Available To Add list:

  • Workflow Groups

  • Workflows

  • Batch- and Task Workflows

  • Real-time workflows

Workflow Group Tabs

A workflow group configuration has three different tabs:  Members, Execution, and Scheduling, the two latter of which are described in Managing a Workflow Group (4.2).






Available To Add

Upper pane: Displays a tree view of the workflows and workflow groups that are saved within their respective configurations. These are available for you to add as members when creating a new workflow group.

Lower pane: Displays a list of workflows that are included in the workflow configuration that you select from the upper pane.


A workflow group can be a member of another workflow group.


Group Members

Shows the currently added workflow group members.