Workflow Buttons (4.2)

The contents of the button panel may change depending on which configuration type has been opened in the currently displayed tab. A workflow configuration uses the standard buttons that are visible for all configurations:


Click this button to edit the configuration.


Each configuration will only allow 1 user to edit it at any one time. While editing the configuration, it will be locked to the user's session. To release the lock, you must navigate away from the configuration to another page. It is advised not to close the browser tab without navigating away from the configuration first as this will cause the lock to stay in place until timeout.

Click this button to stop editing the configuration. A dialog will be prompted for you to save or discard the changes that you have made in the configuration. 

Click this button to create a new configuration of the same type.

Click this button to open another configuration.

Click this button to save changes to an existing configuration.

Click this button to open the Save As dialog where you can select in which folder you want to save the configuration and enter the name you want to save it as.

Click this button to define permissions for the configuration.

Click this button to check if the configuration is valid.

Click this button to see which other configurations the configuration uses, or is used by.

Click this button to view the version history of the configuration.

Click this button to access the user documentation.