Workflow External Reference Event(4.2)

This Workflow event occurs as soon as a Workflow that applies an External Reference is executed. As the event is triggered by each and every such Workflow, if two External Reference applied workflows are members of a workflow group, when the workflow group is executed, two events are generated.

This event inherits all its fields from the Base- and the Workflow events.

Fields inherited from the Base event

The following fields are inherited from the Base event, and described in more detail in Base Event(4.2):

  • category

  • contents

  • eventName

  • origin

  • receiveTimeStamp

  • severity

  • timeStamp

Fields inherited from the Workflow event

The following fields are inherited from the Workflow event, and described in more detail in Workflow Event(4.2):

  • workflowKey

  • workflowName

  • workflowGroupName

See External Reference (3.0) for more information.