Log Files (4.2)

The system can produce the following types of log files during runtime:

To view the Log Files, go to Manage → Tools & Monitoring and then select Log Files.

Screenshot 2024-03-01 at 13.05.44.png
Log Files start page

Filter Dialog

You need to make a selection in the Filter dialog before anything is displayed in the Log Files tables. Click on the Get Started button to open the Filter dialog.

Filter Dialog






Select which running Picos/ECs to fetch logs from in the drop-down. You can select several Picos/ECs and this is a mandatory setting.


For each selected Pico, a request will be sent to that Pico to list all files in a specific folder. If you select Picos in bulk, the response time might be slow depending on the network of each Pico.

Date Range

Define the range of dates to display log entries for. A few predefined options are available. If no date range is defined, all entries will be displayed. The default date range is set to Today. The available options are:

  • User-defined

  • All

  • Last hour

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • This week

  • This month

If you select User-defined, enter the Start date and time and End date and time.

Hide Empty files

Select this check box to remove files with a size of 0.



All three tabs have the same table layout.





Filter Button

Click on this button to display the Filter dialog.

Refresh Button

Click on this button to update the table.

Name Column

This column displays the name of the log file.

Last Modified Column

This column displays the date and time when the file was last modified.

Pico/EC Column

This column displays the Pico/EC where the file is located.

Size Column

This column displays the size of the log file.


Click on the three dots in this column to open the Actions menu which contains the options Download and Preview.


You can view the first 10 Mb of a file by clicking the Preview option in the Actions menu.

You can also download the log file in a regular *.log format from the Preview dialog.