Editing a Bulk of UDRs(4.0)

Other than editing UDRs one at a time, it is also possible to edit a group of UDRs at once. Select the UDRs of interest, or none (this way all UDRs within the file are  considered) and select Bulk Edit... from the Edit menu.


UDR Type

A list from which a UDR type can be selected.

Auto Edit

This mode allows the editing of a bulk of UDRs using matchers and assignments. For further information, see the section below, Bulk Edit - Auto Edit Mode.

Manual APL Edit

Selecting this feature will disable both the Matchers and Assignments, and allow the user to write custom APL code in the APL View that becomes visible below. For further information, see the section below, Bulk Edit - Manual APL Edit.


This section shows the Target UDR Count and an Edit button.

If you click on the Edit button, the Bulk Edit Result dialog will open, if the configuration is valid, showing the type of changes performed.

Bulk Edit - Auto Edit Mode



Defines the UDRs targeted for update. For further information about adding Matchers, see the section below, Add Matcher.

Join Style

Indicates if All or Any will apply to the conditions in the Matchers list


Specifies the fields to examine when defining target UDRs

Matcher Configuration

The expression to apply when matching.

Ericsson IOG/IN formats: (see External - Ericsson IOG/IN Records(4.0)). This special format type is described through the inwvariant of the external block.


Defines the changes to be made to the targeted UDRs. For further information about adding Assignments, see the section below, Add Assignment.


Fields to edit

Assignment Configuration

The new value of the field

Add Matcher

A Matcher is added by selecting Add in the Matchers section. The following dialog is displayed:


UDR Field

List of available fields to use as matchers. Depending on the field type, the Matcher Type list updates to display valid choices.

Matcher Type

Defines the check criterion for the field. The content of the list varies depending on the field type. Supported types and some of their possible matchers are:

  • Alphanumeric (string, char) - Contains, Begins With, Matches RegExp etc.

  • Date - Equals, Before, After etc.

  • Numeric - Not Equals, Greater Than, Less Than etc.

  • Bytearray - Is null, Not null, Length equals, Length not equals, Byte at position equals


Some field types can consist of several parts. For instance, date types can contain separate values for year, month, and day. Regular numeric/alphanumeric fields will have Value stated.


Indicates the possibility to enter variable values for the validation field via the use of APL code in the Value column. This feature makes it possible to refer to other fields within the same UDR (as well as call to APL functions) during processing. In the image below, the P155_PackageLength field is of type int.

If Is APL is disabled, the Matcher Configuration is interpreted as an int instead of a function.


The value of the field. By default, a constant is entered. If Is APL is selected, APL syntax can be used to create a variable definition.

Add Assignment

An Assignment is added by selecting Add in the Assignments section. The following dialog is displayed: 


UDR Field

List of available fields for assignment. Depending on the field type, the Assignment Type list will update to display valid choices.

Assignment Type

Defines the changes to be made to the field. The content of the list varies depending on the field type. Supported types and some of their possible assignments:

  • Alphanumeric (string, char) - Assign, Append, Replace, etc.

  • Date - Assign Current Date, Increase/Decrease Year etc.

  • Numeric - Assign, Increase etc.

  • Bytearray - Create, Set at position, Assign, Append, Prepend, Insert, Replace


Some field types can consist of several parts. For instance, date types can contain separate values for year, month, and day. Regular numeric/alphanumeric fields will have Value stated.

If the field is a bytearray, a hex editor will open when you click in the Value cell where you can enter the bytearray value in hex format.


Indicates the possibility to enter variable values for the validation field via the use of APL code in the Value column. This feature makes it possible to refer to other fields within the same UDR (as well as call to APL functions) during processing.


The value of the field. By default, a constant is entered. If Is APL is selected, APL syntax can be used to create a variable definition.

Bulk Edit - Manual APL Edit

This mode allows the user to write custom APL code in the APL View that becomes visible below.


When editing UDRs in manual mode, the changes of the UDRs will not be traceable. All UDRs in the batch will be updated, although their values may not be changed.