LDAP Agent UDRs(4.0)

The LDAP agent contains a number of UDRs. 

In the UDR Internal Format Browser, a detailed view of the available UDRs and respective fields is displayed. To open the browser, click the Configuration menu and select the option APL Code, and then right-click in the editing area and select the option  UDR Assistance... .


The LdapAbandonRequestUDR is used to cancel an operation that was sent to the LDAP server.

The following fields are included in the LdapAbandonRequestUDR:

Context (any)This field is a field of type any (that is, Java Objects) that can be freely used to store information, such as UDRs, int, string, etc. The information stored in this field will be available when a response is received. For example, you can use this field to store what caused the incoming LDAP request and use it to reply to the request after getting the response.
request (LdapRequestUDR)This optional field contains the request that was sent to the LDAP server. For further information, see the section below, LdapRequestUDR.
requestID (long)

This field contains the request ID of the operation request that was sent to the LDAP server. It must be populated using the requestID field of an LdapRequestIDUDR response routed out by the agent. This field is only populated if you have selected the Enable Request ID check box in the Advanced tab of the LDAP agent configuration dialog.

For further information, see LDAP Agent Configuration(4.0).


When an LdapAbandonRequestUDR for an abandon operation is sent to the LDAP agent, the LdapAbandonResultUDR is sent by the LDAP agent to the outgoing routes in the workflow and contains the result information of processing that abandon operation.

The following fields are included in the LdapAbandonResultUDR:

abandonSent (boolean)This field is set to true only if the abandon operation caused the agent to send a corresponding abandon request to the LDAP server. Note that its value does not represent whether or not the operation was actually cancelled on the LDAP server side.
request (LdapRequestUDR)This field contains the data from the request field of the abandon operation.


The LdapAddRequestUDR is used to send data to the LDAP agent for an add operation to be executed in the LDAP server.

The following fields are included in the LdapAddRequestUDR:

attributes (map<string,list<string>>)

This field contains the relevant LDAP attributes. This map must include the attribute name and the attribute values.

Each attribute may have one or more values.

Context (any)This field is a field of type any (that is, Java Objects) that can be freely used to store information, such as UDRs, int, string, etc. The information stored in this field will be available when a response is received. For example, you can use this field to store what caused the incoming LDAP request and use it to reply to the request after getting the response.
dn (string)This field contains the Distinguished Name for the add operation.


When an add operation is sent to the LDAP server, the LdapAddResultUDR is sent by the LDAP agent to the outgoing routes in the workflow and contains the result information for the add operation sent.

The following fields are included in the LdapAddResultUDR:

request (LdapAddRequestUDR)This field contains the data from the request field of the add operation.


The LdapCompareRequestUDR is used to send data to the LDAP agent for a compare operation to be executed in the LDAP server.

The following fields are included in the LdapCompareRequestUDR:

assertionValue (string)This field contains the assertion value for the compare operation.
attributeName (string)This field contains the attribute name.
Context (any)This field is a field of type any (that is, Java Objects) that can be freely used to store information, such as UDRs, int, string, etc. The information stored in this field will be available when a response is received. For example, you can use this field to store what caused the incoming LDAP request and use it to reply to the request after getting the response.
dn (string)This field contains the Distinguished Name for the compare operation.


When a compare operation is sent to the LDAP server, the LdapCompareResultUDR is sent by the LDAP agent to outgoing routes in the workflow and contains the result information for the compare operation sent.

The following fields are included in the LdapCompareResultUDR:

compareTrue (boolean)This field determines if a match was found with the data sent in the compare operation. If a match is found the value is set to true.
request (LdapCompareRequestUDR)This field contains the data from the request field of the compare operation.


The LdapDeleteRequestUDR is used to send data to the LDAP agent for a delete operation to be executed in the LDAP server.

The following fields are included in the LdapDeleteRequestUDR:

Context (any)This field is a field of type any (that is, Java Objects) that can be freely used to store information, such as UDRs, int, string, etc. The information stored in this field will be available when a response is received. For example, you can use this field to store what caused the incoming LDAP request and use it to reply to the request after getting the response.
dn (string)This field contains the Distinguished Name for the delete operation.


When a delete operation is sent to the LDAP server, the LdapDeleteResultUDR is sent by the LDAP agent to the outgoing routes in the workflow and contains the result information for the delete operation sent.

The following fields are included in the LdapDeleteResultUDR:

request (LdapDeleteRequestUDR)This field contains the data from the request field of the delete operation.


The LdapErrorUDR is sent by the LDAP agent to the outgoing routes in the workflow when an error occurs in a request, and contains the details of the error which has occurred.

The following fields are included in the LdapErrorUDR:

errorCode (int)

This field contains the LDAP result code for the operation sent to the LDAP server.

For further information on the LDAP result codes, see https://docs.ldap.com/ldap-sdk/docs/javadoc/com/unboundid/ldap/sdk/ResultCode.html.

errorMessage (string)This field contains the result message for the operation sent to the LDAP server.
request (LdapRequestUDR)This field contains the LdapRequestUDR sent to the LDAP agent for an operation to be executed in the LDAP server. For further information, see the section below, LdapRequestUDR.
searchResult (list<LdapSearchResultUDR>)

This field contains a list of the search results, listing the LdapSearchResultUDRs. This field is only populated on errors for search operations that either time out or have their results truncated as specified in the timeLimit and sizeLimit search parameters. For further information, see the sections below, LdapSearchRequestUDR and LdapSearchResultUDR.

If the operation was not a search, this field is empty.


The LdapExtendedRequestUDR is used to send data to the LDAP agent for the extended request included to be executed on the server.  

The following fields are included in the LdapExtendedRequestUDR:

Context (any)This field is a field of type any (that is, Java Objects) that can be freely used to store information, such as UDRs, int, string, etc. The information stored in this field will be available when a response is received. For example, you can use this field to store what caused the incoming LDAP request and use it to reply to the request after getting the response.
oid (string)This field contains the object identifier (oid) for the request sent to the LDAP server, which determines the request name for the operation.
value (bytearray)This field contains the content of the request sent to the LDAP server.
valueBERType (byte)This field contains a byte which determines the format of the request content.


When an extended request is sent to the LDAP server, the LdapExtendedResultUDR is sent by the LDAP agent to the outgoing routes in the workflow and contains the result information for the request sent.

The following fields are included in the LdapExtendedResultUDR:

oid (string)This field contains the object identifier (oid) for the extended result, which determines the request name for the operation.
request (LdapExtendedRequestUDR)This field contains the data from the request field of the extended request sent.
value (bytearray)This field contains the content of the result received.
valueBERType (byte)This field contains a byte which determines the format of the request content.


The LdapModifyDNRequestUDR is used to send data to the LDAP agent for a modify DN (Distinguished Name) operation to be executed in the LDAP server.

The following fields are included in the LdapModifyDNRequestUDR:

Context (any)This field is a field of type any (that is, Java Objects) that can be freely used to store information, such as UDRs, int, string, etc. The information stored in this field will be available when a response is received. For example, you can use this field to store what caused the incoming LDAP request and use it to reply to the request after getting the response.
deleteOldRDN (boolean)This field determines whether the previous Distinguished Name is to be removed.
dn (string)This field contains the Distinguished Name for the modify DN operation.
newSuperiorDN (string)

This field contains the Distinguished Name of the new parent DN.

If the parent DN is not new, this field is empty.

newRDN (string)This field contains the new Distinguished Name.


When a modify DN operation is sent to the LDAP server, the LdapModifyDNResultUDR is sent by the LDAP agent to the outgoing routes in the workflow and contains the result information for the operation sent.

The following fields are included in the LdapModifyDNResultUDR:

request (LdapModifyDNRequestUDR)This field contains the data from the request field of the modify DN operation.


The LdapModifyRequestUDR is used to send data to the LDAP agent for a modify operation to be executed in the LDAP server.

The following fields are included in the LdapModifyRequestUDR:

attributes (map<string,list<string>>)This field contains the relevant attributes. This map must include the attribute name and the attribute values.
Context (any)This field is a field of type any (that is, Java Objects) that can be freely used to store information, such as UDRs, int, string, etc. The information stored in this field will be available when a response is received. For example, you can use this field to store what caused the incoming LDAP request and use it to reply to the request after getting the response.
dn (string)This field contains the Distinguished Name for the modify operation.
modificationType (string)This field contains the type of modification operation sent.


When a modify operation is sent to the LDAP server, the LdapModifyResultUDR is sent by the LDAP agent to the outgoing routes in the workflow and contains the result information for the operation sent.

The following fields are included in the LdapModifyResultUDR:

request (LdapModifyRequestUDR)This field contains the data from the request field of the modify operation.


The LdapRequestUDR encompasses all request UDRs that can be sent to the LDAP agent. All request UDRs belong to the LdapRequestUDR type.


Context (any)

This field is a field of type any (that is, Java Objects) that can be freely used to store information, such as UDRs, int, string, etc. The information stored in this field will be available when a response is received. For example, you can use this field to store what caused the incoming LDAP request and use it to reply to the request after getting the response.


The LdapRequestIDUDR is sent by the LDAP agent to acknowledge that a corresponding operation for an operation request has been sent to the LDAP server. This UDR is sent by the agent for every operation request, except the abandon operation. It can be used to later cancel the operation request using an abandon operation.

This UDR is only sent by the agent if you have selected the Enable Request ID check box in the Advanced tab of the LDAP agent configuration dialog. For further information, see LDAP Agent Configuration(4.0).

The following fields are included in the LdapRequestIDUDR:

Context (any)This field is a field of type any (that is, Java Objects) that can be freely used to store information, such as UDRs, int, string, etc. The information stored in this field will be available when a response is received. For example, you can use this field to store what caused the incoming LDAP request and use it to reply to the request after getting the response.
request (LdapRequestUDR)This field contains the operation request sent to the LDAP server.
requestID (long)

This field contains an identifier assigned by the LDAP agent to the operation request.


The LdapResultUDR encompasses all UDRs sent by the LDAP agent to the outgoing routes in the workflow. All result UDRs belong to the LdapResultUDR type.


The LdapSearchRequestUDR is used to send data to the LDAP agent for a search operation to be executed in the LDAP server.

The following fields are included in the LdapSearchRequestUDR:

attributesToReturn (list<string>)This field contains a list of the attributes to be returned by a search operation.
baseDN (string)This field contains the base Distinguished Name for the operation.

This field is a field of type any (that is, Java Objects) that can be freely used to store information, such as UDRs, int, string, etc. The information stored in this field will be available when a response is received. For example, you can use this field to store what caused the incoming LDAP request and use it to reply to the request after getting the response.
deferencePolicy (string)

This field contains the deference policy applied to the search operation. You can choose one of the following values:

filter (string)This field contains the search filters.
scope (string)

This field contains the search scope to determine which entry levels you want to search. You can choose one of the following levels:

  • OBJECT_SCOPE - To search the named entry only
  • ONELEVEL_SCOPE - To search the entries immediately below the base DN
  • SUBTREE_SCOPE - To search in the entire subtree
sizeLimit (int)

This field contains the maximum number of elements that can be returned by the search operation.

If the limit is exceeded, the LdapErrorUDR will contain the corresponding error code, and the results returned by the server will be available in the LdapSearchResultUDRs list.

The default value is 0. If the value is set to 0, the number of elements returned is unlimited.

timeLimit (int)

This field contains the maximum amount of time in seconds that a search operation can take to complete.

If the limit is exceeded, the LdapErrorUDR will contain the corresponding error code, and the results returned by the server will be available in the LdapSearchResultUDRs list.

The default value is 0 seconds. If the value is set to 0, the search operation continues until performed to completion.

typesOnly (boolean)This field determines if the attribute values or descriptions are returned. If set to true, only the attribute descriptions are returned.


When a search operation is sent to the LDAP server, a LdapSearchResultEntryUDR is included in the LdapSearchResultUDR for each matching entry in the search operation. See the section below, LdapSearchResultUDR.

The following fields are included in the LdapSearchRequestUDR:

attributes (map<string,list<any>>)

This field contains a map of the LDAP attributes and values for the corresponding matched entry.

Each attribute may have one or more values.

dn (string)This field contains the Distinguished Name for the corresponding matched entry.


When a search operation is sent to the LDAP server, the request field in the LdapSearchResultUDR is populated with the LdapSearchRequestUDR, and the searchEntries field is populated with the search result's entry UDRs. The LdapSearchResultUDR is sent by the LDAP agent to the outgoing routes in the workflow. 

request (LdapSearchRequestUDR)This field contains the data from the LdapSearchRequestUDR sent to the LDAP server for a search operation. For further information, see the section above, LdapSearchRequestUDR.
searchEntries (list<LdapSearchEntryResultUDR>)This field contains a list of the search results, listing the LdapSearchEntryResultUDRs. For further information, see the section above, LdapSearchEntryResultUDR.