UI Builder - customize responsive web UIs
The UI Builder Agent enables users to create customized responsive web UIs, by using regular workflow configuration. Communication is handled with HTTP request/response cycles, and the UI is constructed using HTML. These UIs add huge flexibility; they give external users access to customized information without the need of using the regular product Desktop. Also, UIs can be tailor-made to complement deployment specifics. Currently, there are several ways of adding UIs to a deployment, where the UI Builder Agent offers most flexibility:
Development Toolkit (DTK) plug-ins; these are java extensions that require JDK and Java knowledge.
Workflows containing Analysis agents using HTTP functions in combination with HTML syntax. This requires HTML knowledge, and lot’s of APL code.
Workflows containing the UI Builder Agent; the HTTP communication and the UI components are built-in.
Examples of tailor-made UIs can be to view status of use case processing details, feed a deployment with parameters, perform tasks, etc. Below is an example of a UI that shows the contents of $MZHOME, with the possibility to view and download files.
The web UIs are restricted to users registered in the Usage Engine Access Controller with UI Builder Agent permissions.