Dialog UDR(3.3)

The Dialog UDR is used to create a dialog box on the current page.

The following fields are included in the Dialog UDR:





addAutomatic (boolean)

This field may contain information if the Dialog should be added to the page automatic when Dialog UDR is added to a Button UDR or Link UDR.

attributes (map<string,string>)

This field may contain extra attributes to be added.

closeButton (boolean)

This field may contain information if a button to close the dialog should be added or not.
Default is true.

closeOnClick (boolean)

This field may contain information if the dialog should be closed when user clicking outside dialog.
Default is true.

closeOnEsc (boolean)

This field may contain information if the dialog can be closed with ESC button.
Default is true.

closeText (string)

This field may contain the text showed on the close button.
Default is Close.

cssClasses (list<string>)

This field may contain a list of extra values added to class attribute. This is typically used to style the component. Please read more on Bootstrap.

dialogBody (ComponentUDR)

This field contain a Component UDR that will be present in the dialog body.

header (string)

This field may contain a dialog header text.

id (string)

This field may contain the id of the component

okButton (ButtonUDR)

This field may contain a “ok” button that will be placed in the footer of the dialog.

size (string)

This field may contain the size of the dialog. Possible values are the constants:
Default is empty meaning MEDIUM.

topPlacement (boolean)

This field may contain a information if the dialog should be present in the top of the page or in the middle.
Default is false.