Script UDR(3.3)

The Script UDR is used to set extra Scripts on the UI page. It can be referring to a URI where the script can be found or created in this UDR.

The following fields are included in the Script UDR:





attributes (map<string,string>)

This field may contain extra attributes to be added to the script tag.

crossOrigin (string)

This field may contain the value for CORS settings of a script.

integrity (string)

This field may contain the value for integrity attribute.

placement (int)

This field may contain placement of the script tag on the page. Default is LAST_BODY.
Possible values are:

srcUrl (string)

This field may contain a url to a script.

text (string)

This field may contain a script text.

type (string)

This field may contain MIME type of a script. Typically text/javascript. Two constants are added to help, JAVASCRIPT or ECMASCRIPT.