Web Service Provider Agent(3.3)

The Web Service Provider agent works in the same way as a Service Provider, or server, in the sense that it receives requests from a client, or clients, and transfers the requests to a workflow. That is, Web Service requests are collected and inserted into a workflow.

When a request arrives to the Web Service Provider it first decodes and validates it into a pre-generated UDR type, a WSCycle UDR. The WSCycleUDR is then routed through the workflow with the param field set to the incoming message. If the client expects a response message the workflow is responsible for populating the response field with an appropriate answer message (through the udrCreate APL function). The WSCycleUDR must then be routed back to the Web Service Provider agent to transmit the answer.


Configurations made in the agent always override settings originating from the WSDL file.

In a synchronous operation, when the collection agent receives a reply back from the workflow, it delivers the response to the requesting client.

In an asynchronous operation the collection agent does not receive any reply, and therefore does not respond the client.

The Web Service Provider - synchronous operation

The Web Service Provider - asynchronous operation

The Web Service Provider real-time collection agent contains the following settings:


Web Service Profile

Click the Browse button and select the appropriate user defined WS profile.

Workflow Response Timeout (ms)

Determines the number of milliseconds the Web Service Provider agent waits for a response from the Workflow before timeout.

If a timeout occurs in the provider agent, an error message is logged in the System Log and no response message is sent to the requesting client.

Idle Timeout (ms)The maximum time that may elapse after some progress is made on the connection before timing out. If set to 0, Idle Timeout defaults to 30 seconds.
Enable WSDL ValidationSelect this check box to enable validation of WSDL.


This tab is highlighted when the selected Web Service (WS) profile is configured with either HTTP or HTTPS as the transfer protocol.


Extract Profile Settings

Click this button to automatically fill in the settings from the Service Port Definition.

HTTP Address

Enter the complete URL address, including port, for the web service used to connect to the information requesting client.

Enable Basic Access Authentication

Select this check box to enable Basic Access Authentication.


Enter the username that should be provided by the requesting client when using Basic Access Authentication.


Enter the password that should be provided by the requesting client when using Basic Access Authentication.


When Basic Access Authentication is enabled, in order to perform a request, the client program has to provide credentials such as username and password. Otherwise, a HTTP 401 status code is returned.

Input/Output Data

Input Data

WSCycle_[operation name] UDR

Output Data

WSCycle_[operation name] UDR

Meta Information Model

For information about the  MIM and a list of the general MIM parameters, see Administration and Management(3.0).

The agent does not publish nor access any MIM parameters.

Agent Message Events

There are no message events for this agent.