SharedTables Event(3.3)

When using Shared Tables, there will be three different types of operations; Create, Refresh and Released, which have different actions. The SharedTables event will be triggered each time one of these actions occur.

Create operation

The Create operation has three different actions:

  • Create Started - which is triggered when a workflow calls the tableCreateShared function.

  • Create Finished - which is triggered when the shared table has been loaded from the database.

  • Create Failed - which is triggered if the table fails to be created.

A Create operation will always consist of two actions; either Create Started and Create Finished, or Create Started and Create Failed.

Refresh operation

The Refresh operation has three different actions:

  • Refresh Started - which is triggered when a workflow calls the tableRefreshShared function or when the Shared Table profile has been configured with a Refresh Interval.

  • Refresh Finished - which is triggered when the shared table has been refreshed.

  • Refresh Failed - which is triggered if the table fails to be refreshed.

A Refresh operation will always consist of two actions; either Refresh Started and Refresh Finished, or Refresh Started and Refresh Failed.

Released operation

The Released operation only has one action, i e to release the table when no references to the table has existed for a certain time interval.

See /wiki/spaces/MD/pages/3208503 for further information about shared tables.


In the Event Setup tab, the values for all the event fields are set by default to  All in the  Match Value(s)  column, which will generate event notifications every time data a SharedTables event is triggered. Double-click on the field to open the Match Values dialog where you can click on the Add button to add which values you want to filter on. If there are specific values available, these will appear in a drop-down list. Alternatively, you can enter a hard coded string or a regular expression.

The following fields are available for filtering of SharedTables events in the Event Setup tab:

SharedTables event specific fields

  • actionType - With this field you can configure notifications to be sent only for certain actions. Use regular expressions to filter on this field.

  • agentName - This field contains the name of the agent issuing the action. In case a Refresh or Create action is initiated based on the Refresh Interval setting in the Shared Tables profile, this field will be empty. You can use this field to specify notifications to be generated only for certain agents. Use regular expressions to filter on this field.

  • duration - The duration is the amount of time in milliseconds it takes to perform a Create or Refresh operation, and this field is included in the Create Finished and Refresh Finished actions. If you select to filter on this field, you can specify to only generate notifications for a certain duration. This will also mean that notifications will only be generated for Create Finished and Refresh Finished actions. Use regular expressions to filter on this field.

  • errorMessage - In case a Create Failed, or a Refresh Failed action is triggered, this field will contain an error message. If you select to filter on this field, you can specify to only generate notifications for certain error messages, or just select to have notifications generated for actions containing error messages. This will also mean that notifications will only be generated for Create Failed and Refresh Failed actions. Use regular expressions to filter on this field.

  • workflowName - This field contains the name of the workflow issuing the action. In case a Refresh or Create action is initiated based on the Refresh Interval setting in the Shared Tables profile, this field will be empty. You can use this field to specify notifications to be generated only for certain workflows. Use regular expressions to filter on this field.

  • workflowVersion - This field contains the version number of the workflow issuing the action. In case a Refresh or Create action is initiated based on the Refresh Interval setting in the Shared Tables profile, this field will be "0". Use regular expressions to filter on this field.

  • rowCount - This indicates the number of rows that were created or refreshed in the database. Use regular expressions to filter on this field.

  • ShareTablesProfileName - This field contains the name of the SharedTablesProfile issuing the action. You can use this field to specify notifications to be generated only for workflows using a certain SharedTablesprofile. Use regular expressions to filter on this field.

Fields inherited from the Base event

The following fields are inherited from the Base event, and can also be used for filtering, described in more detail in Base Event(3.3):

  • category - If you have configured any Event Categories, you can select to only generate notifications for SharedTables events with the selected categories. See Event Category(3.3) for further information about Event Categories.

  • contents - The contents field contains a hard coded string with event specific information. If you want to use this field for filtering you can enter a part of the contents as a hard coded string.

  • eventName - This field can be used to specify which event types you want to generate notifications for. This may be useful if the selected event type is a parent to other event types. However, since the SharedTables event is not a parent to any other event, this field will typically not be used for this event. However, if you have several different event types configured for generating notifications in the same event notification configuration, it may be useful to include this field in the notification itself to differentiate between the event types.

  • origin - If you only want to generate notifications for events that are issued from certain Execution Contexts, you can specify the IP addresses of these Execution Contexts in this field.

  • receiveTimeStamp - This field contains the date and time for when the event was inserted into the Platform database. If you want to use timeStamp for filtering, it may be a good idea to enter a regular expression, for example, "2012-06.*" for catching all SharedTables events from 1st of June, 2012, to 30th of June, 2012.

  • severity - With this field you can determine to only generate notifications for events with a certain severity; Information, Warning, Error or Disaster. For the SharedTables event, the actions Create Started, Create Finished, Refresh Started, Refresh Finished, and Released have severity Information, and the actions Create Failed and Refresh Failed have the severity Error.

  • timeStamp This field contains the date and time for when the Execution Context generated the event. If you want to use timeStamp for filtering, it may be a good idea to enter a regular expression, for example, "2012-06-15 09:.*" for catching all SharedTables events from 9:00 to 9:59 on the 15th of June, 2012.


The values of these fields may also be included in the notifications according to your configurations in the Notifier Setup tab.

Examples SharedTables Event Configuration

Example - SharedTables event notification sent to log

This configuration will give you the following notification setup:

  • When a Create Started, Create Finished, or Create Failed action occurs, a SharedTables event notification will be generated

  • When this notification is generated, an entry will be logged in the sharedtables.txt file located in the /home/user/sharedtables folder, containing the following data:

    • The timestamp for when the event was triggered.

    • The contents of the the event.

Example - SharedTables event notification sent as mail

This configuration will give you the following notification setup:

  • When a SharedTables action is issues by any workflow using a Shared Tables profile with a name containing "SharedTableProfile", a SharedTables event notification will be generated

  • When this notification is generated, a mail will be sent to the mail address, containing the following data:

    • A subject line saying: Shared Table event

    • A message saying: A SharedTables event for a <action type> action has been issued by a workflow using the <name of the Shared Table profile>, at <the timestamp for when the event was triggered> with the following content:.

    • The content of the event will also be included in the message.